ING-VMT ist Beratungsdienstleister für B2B Vertrieb & Digital Marketing in Industrie- und Technologiemärkten.
Unsere Kunden sind KMUs und Start-Ups.
Unser Branchen Know-How: Industrieelektronik, Maschinenbau, Embedded Systems, Automatisierung, e-Mobilität, Software, IT.
Wir bieten praxisrelevante Beratung, Projektierung und Umsetzung *** Neue Märkte, neue Kunden, KAM (Key Account Management), Bestandskundenausbau, Offline/ Online-Marketing, Pricing-Strategien, SEO/SEA Strategien, Social Selling (LinkedIn, XING), Produkt-Portfolioanalysen, Wettbewerbspositionierung, Sales-Training.
e-Mobility Battery-Simulation, Battery-Test up to 1200V, 1200A, 600kW Energy Test Bench for e-Mobility - High Voltage, High Current, High Power High Precision Power Supplies for Industry, Medicine and R&D
B2B sales and marketing for embedded computing, embedded systems, ARM computer modules, industry PC, hardware and software development, HMI, touch displays.
Sales Manager for development services for embedded computing and industrial electronics
Sales and marketing for motorsport parts and services
IR Touch-Systems, Embedded-Systems, HMI, IPC, Sales, Marketing
Data-Acquisition and GPS Data-Management for Automotive and Motorsport Applications