Digital transformation of personnel development. Establishing an online academy with web-based training. Increasing customer satisfaction, measured by NPS (net promoter score).
Developing a digitalization strategy for the insurance industry.
Managed Services: Transition Manager at outsourcing Daimler's IT departments worldwide to India & Romania. Most likely the largest outsourcing project ever with a volume of more than € 3 billion.
Coordinating a portfolio of 20 projects: marketing, BI, IT, finance, HR, strategy. Implementing Shopware and ERP MS Dynamics.
Digital Transformation of the healthcare industry with focus on Electronic Patient Records (ePA).
Big Data initiative in the healthcare industry.
Sparring partner at partner level about speeding up a digitalization initiative for the finance industry.
Restructuring the sales department. Introducing more agile and lean structures.
Expert opinion about operational excellence and opening of the airport.
Facilitating an eight-figure Euro annual profit increase by restructuring service processes. Developing a new approach for measuring service quality based on Big Data analysis.
Founding the new retail department 'Premium Products', accessing a more affluent customer group, restructuring the organization, acquiring external financing.
Responsible for restructuring an entire IT quality management system for the international research department. Ensuring compliance with GxP, SOX, CMMI. Directing internal and external vendor audits.
Preventing a site with 100 employees from closing down: Problem analysis, negotiations during the crisis meetings, simplifying the process, coaching the responsible manager. Project controlling. The crisis was overcome successfully.
A strategic realignment lead to 90 simultaneous projects. Coordinating these 90 projects, process optimization, coaching the 90 project managers, making the project portfolio manageable by introducing an OKR-based reporting system combined with a balanced scorecard (BSC).
Dr Stephan Meyer empowers his clients to achieve millions of dollars in additional profits. He received his PhD for his leading expertise in modernizing organizations.
Dr Stephan Meyer's added value is based on his experience of more than 25 years of restructuring and business transformations with both international corporations and family-owned companies.
Co-founder of a private equity company. Setting up a private equity / venture capital fund. Acquiring potential portfolio companies. Responsible for screening business models and all of marketing.
Strategic alignment of cooperating domains. Operationalizing a vision via KPIs & BSC.
Making a train ticket buyable via Internet. Defining the business processes and negotiating them in the organization.
Implementing a large-scale SAP material management / logistics application.
Implementing the largest SAP billing system of that time. Responsible for rollout and migration into 120 subsidiaries. Large, complex project with more than 300 consultants involved.