Isa R. siebert

HR Business Partnerin / Interim Managerin

Isa R. siebert
Wiesbaden, Germany


Nov. 2023 - März 2024
5 Monaten
Mannheim, Germany

Head of HR Europe

Master Builders Solutions GmbH

Operative and partly strategic responsibility for HCM area, active deployment of various project topics within HCM team related to merger process. Consulting for managers and employees on all HR relevant topics and management/completion of associated operational tasks; restoration of trusting cooperation with committees

Sept. 2023 - Okt. 2023
2 Monaten
Mayen, Germany

Head of HR Germany

Ontex Healthcare Deutschland GmbH

Operative and partly strategic responsibility for HR area, active deployment of various project topics within HCM team related to previous merger process. Consulting for managers and employees on all HR relevant topics and management/completion of associated operational tasks; restoration of trusting cooperation with committees

Feb. 2023 - Juni 2023
5 Monaten

HR Manager

KLS Martin GmbH

Operative and partly strategic responsibility for HCM area, active deployment of various project topics within HCM team related to merger process. Consulting for managers and employees on all HR relevant topics and completion of associated operational tasks; time and preparatory payroll accounting; recruiting; trusting cooperation with committees

Apr. 2022 - Aug. 2022
5 Monaten

HR Business Partner

LEO Pharma GmbH

Member of management board, responsibility for HR areas, active deployment within HR Community. Consulting for managers and employees on all HR relevant questions and labor law topics including reorganization; responsibility for all operative HR processes and measures like recruiting, personnel and organizational development, change and performance management; active participation in local, regional and global HR projects/processes; cooperation with works council and its committees

Sept. 2020 - Feb. 2021
6 Monaten
Hamburg, Germany

Head of HR

Thyssen Krupp/TK Elevator Fahrtreppen GmbH

Member of management board, responsibility for HR areas including time/payroll, health, safety, environment, active deployment within Europe-wide HR Community. Management of all operative/analytical/strategic HR tasks. Leadership of 8 direct employees

Identifying, introducing, implementing strategic HR action fields and optimization potential in existing processes; preparation of ISO 9001 re-certification; introduction and implementation of Corona guidelines based on current legislation and internal guidelines; constructive cooperation with union and works council committees; change management - support of various change processes; leadership - consulting and development; development and introduction of personnel development measures; handling of collective and individual labor law topics

Feb. 2019 - Okt. 2019
9 Monaten

Global Head of HR

H.C. Starck Tantalum and Niobium GmbH

Development, management and monitoring of global HR organization of company and subsidiaries (Germany, Thailand, USA, Japan); introduction of training programs, HR strategies and intercultural communication; consulting, coaching and training of specialists and managers.

Management of all operative/analytical HR tasks and processes and implementation of strategic HR processes and procedures; leadership of 9 direct employees; guidance and consulting of global management in personnel matters; compliance/implementation of legal and internal requirements; budget responsibility; dialogue and involvement of committees for trusting and goal-oriented results; global optimization projects; global recruiting; daily hands-on - works agreements, employment contract design, references

Mai 2017 - Juni 2018
1 Jahr 2 Monaten
Singen, Germany

Head of HR

Amcor Flexibles Singen GmbH

Co-design and implementation of optimization projects; parallel setup of new organization; HR planning, recruitment and development; consulting, coaching and training of specialists and managers.

Operative, analytical, strategic tasks; leadership of 15 direct employees; compliance/implementation of legal and internal requirements; involvement of committees for trusting and goal-oriented results; optimization projects; recruiting; HR processes - management and improvement; daily hands-on from works agreements to employment contract design to reference creation

März 2016 - Juli 2016
5 Monaten

HR Business Partner

GEA Group AG, GEA IT Services GmbH

Member of cross-plant HR team. HR consulting of managing director, HR employees and other employees (approx. 200) on all HR topics in remaining settlement of reconciliation of interests/social plan; contracts, preparatory payroll accounting, references, budget forecast completed and supplementary works agreements concluded; general and individual design and implementation of new solutions for socially acceptable staff reduction and termination agreements developed and implemented; internal and external recruiting supported; recommendations for personnel development and salary measures developed and implemented; cross-plant HR consulting of managers and route managers on labor law topics and their handling; participation in coordination of supervisory board election; communication and advancement of changes with works council committees; relocation of HR department to new location; training of new HR BP

Mai 2015 - Aug. 2015
4 Monaten

HR Specialist Global Human Resources

Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co KGaA

Member of Global Human Resources team. Successful recruiting actions: social media presence up to filling open positions; support of personnel, organizational and structural changes and completion of preparatory measures for future orientation e.g. succession planning, filling open positions, consulting/coaching of specialists and managers, ensuring and re-introduction of relevant processes for current jurisdiction and for passing internal/external audits for ISO9000, 9001 and TS14049

Feb. 2014 - Juni 2014
5 Monaten

HR Director

TNT Innight

HR Director for Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic with respective works councils/unions, responsible for total approx. 1,500 employees. Member of management team and European HR group, leadership of 10 HR employees, budget responsibility.

Personnel changes in management team, preparatory measures for future global structure. Setup, operation, realignment of HR department: structural change, succession planning, filling open positions, approval and selection of HR management system. Mediations, solution finding, handling of open topics between management and works councils/union - e.g. Christmas bonus, bonus system, target agreement, labor law proceedings, extension of health management. Coaching of internally selected HR Director. Introduction of leadership training through external trainer

Aug. 2013 - Dez. 2014
5 Monaten

Head of HR


Head of HR for two independently operating divisions with respective works councils, total approx. 235 employees, locations in NRW. Member of management team and European HR group, leadership of 2 employees (payroll/support) and 12 trainees/students, budget responsibility.

Remaining settlement of HR impacts of social plan. Setup, operation, realignment of HR department - as shared service and thus acting as service partner. Mentor for internally selected successor of future HR management. Alignment of all processes to future global structure of company considering Europe-wide leadership changes, optimization projects up to outsourcing. Optimization of labor law differences and communication at all levels between plants, works councils/unions in France, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, Germany.

  • Support of Business Unit Director/Country Manager in strategic HR orientation, labor law and communication with works councils
  • Development of personnel development, HR planning including assignments
  • Design and implementation of uniform HR processes and standards like job postings, employment contracts, job profiles, creation of organization charts using Visio, personnel cost controlling and HR reports
  • Support of change processes e.g. cultural changes in cooperation of European countries
  • Development of occupational health management
  • Handling of recruiting process from planning to hiring
  • Ensuring and re-introduction of relevant processes for passing internal and external audits for ISO9000, 9001 and TS14049
Mai 2012 - Nov. 2012
7 Monaten

Head of HR


Head of HR for three plants, approx. 700 employees, locations in Thuringia and Bavaria. 2 plant closures, 1 plant setup. Member of management team and European HR group, leadership of 2 employees (payroll/support) and 12 trainees, budget responsibility.

Setup/operation of HR department until hiring of future HR manager. Alignment of department and all processes to future structure of company, including change from full continuous to 3/2-shift operation. As mediator, consultant and coach optimization of process chain in communication between plant management, managers, employees and works council.

Plant setup:

  • Support of employee representatives in business field, support of CEO and plant manager in communication with works councils and unions
  • Setup of HR department including personnel development
  • HR planning in coordination with plant management, production management and works council
  • Design and implementation of uniform HR processes and standards like job postings, employment contracts, job profiles, creation of organization charts using SAP; implementation of suggestion system, personnel cost controlling and HR reports
  • Support of change processes e.g. cultural changes in Japan/Germany cooperation, introduction of KAIZEN, implementation of Japanese safety requirements and introduction of uniform work clothing
  • Development of occupational health management e.g. on-site services by health insurance, increase of company doctor consultation times, introduction of training on addiction, burnout, mobbing, motivation
  • Development of onboarding programs for new employees
  • Handling of recruiting process from planning to hiring
  • Ensuring and re-introduction of relevant processes for passing internal/external audits for ISO9000, 9001 and TS14049
  • Coaching of managers in discussions with employees and works council
  • Training of managers and works council in communication, presentation and team development in cooperation with external trainer
  • Preparation of HR budget plan 2013

Plant closure:

  • Implementation of social plan and reconciliation of interests for approx. 400 employees
  • Development and introduction of subsequent changes through works agreements in coordination with management, union and works council; compliance with given budget
  • Consulting, support of employees and works council members until departure
Feb. 2012 - Apr. 2012
3 Monaten
Darmstadt, Germany

Project Staff Member

Merck KGaA

Project staff member in national and international team for optimization of job evaluations. Evaluation and introduction of job descriptions for regional/collective bargaining and global salary requirements.

  • Preparation of matrices (including job descriptions) in German and English; conducting interviews and workshops with managers and HR staff from other business units
  • Extensive research; content review of texts and review of evaluations; ensuring conformity according to existing guidelines and cross-comparison
Karlsruhe, Germany

HR Specialist, Deputy Group Leader Personnel Development

Badische Versicherungen

Consulting, support, development of managers and employees

Östringen, Germany

HR Specialist

Cytec Engineered Materials

HR specialist, member of international teams. Department setup, coordination with international teams

Remchingen, Germany

HR Administrator to HR Specialist

Kabelwerke Reinshagen

Department setup - time, payroll, salary, further education

Frankfurt, Germany

HR Specialist


HR specialist for Germany and Belgium. Setup and implementation of international corporate strategies

Wiesbaden, Germany

Head of HR

Dow Corning GmbH

Head of HR, member of management board and European HR team. Design and management of innovative HR management


- Hochmotivierte Business-Partnerin, leistungs- und lösungsorientiert - International geprägte Erfahrung in Groß-Konzernen - Vielfältige operative und strategische Praxis in KMUs - Überdurchschnittliche Fähigkeiten im Umgang mit Menschen




European Academy of Business-Coaching

European Business Coaching · Wiesbaden, Germany

Industrie- und Handelskammer

Ausbildung der Ausbilder (AdA) gemäß AEVO · Stuttgart, Germany

University of Cambridge

International Business and Trade

Zertifikate & Bescheinigungen

AdA – Ausbildung der Ausbilder gemäß AEVO

Industrie- und Handelskammer Stuttgart

European Business Coach

European Academy of Business-Coaching


Industrie- und Handelskammer Pforzheim