Bernd Eisenhut

Learning & Development Expert | Personalentwickler | Trainer | Berater | Projektmanager

Bernd Eisenhut
Mainz, Germany


Okt. 2021 - Bis heute
3 Jahren 5 Monaten
Mainz, Germany

Managing Director

Augnect GmbH

Augnect is a novel augmented reality learning and knowledge platform as a mobile app for companies. The idea was born in 2020, which we are developing step by step on a part-time basis and "bootstrapping".

Jan. 2020 - Bis heute
4 Jahren 2 Monaten
Mainz, Germany

Consultant, Freelancer, Trainer


  • Support for various HR topics with a focus on personnel development for successful employees, teams and companies.
  • Interim management (most recently: Interim Head of L&D for industrial group)
  • (Personal) coaching for personal and professional change processes and challenges. Trainer on various topics.
  • Project management from A-Z (classic and agile)
  • Author: "Professional Communication - Finally More Success in Your Career"
Juli 2017 - Sept. 2020
3 Jahren 3 Monaten
Nieder-Olm, Germany

Project Manager HR/OD

Eckes-Granini Group GmbH

  • Implementation and improvement of various international HR/OD solutions, e.g. Performance Management, High Performing Organization (HPO), Leadership Culture, Corporate Learning & Development, Cooperation & Knowledge Management.
  • Establishing a "digital" culture as part of an international digital transformation initiative.
  • Conducting various (partly digital) development measures at team, personnel and leadership levels.
  • Support of the LMS and implementation of various e-learnings.
Apr. 2016 - Okt. 2016
7 Monaten
Stuttgart, Germany

Personnel Development (Master's Thesis)

Daimler AG

Development of an approach for creating effective digital learning portfolios for selected target groups, which is oriented towards the (digital) learning needs and behavior of employees.

Aug. 2015 - Feb. 2016
7 Monaten
Düsseldorf, Germany

Personnel Development (Internship)


  • Development, introduction and support of various learning offerings (e-trainings and workshops).
  • Active coaching and training.
  • Conducting workshops and individual trainings on the topics of moderation skills, rhetoric and presentation skills.
  • Introduction of the first company-wide METRO MOOCs (massive open online course).
  • Support of the LMS.
Feb. 2012 - Dez. 2015
2 Jahren 11 Monaten
Wiesbaden, Germany

HR and IT Consultant

P&I Personal und Informatik AG

  • Implementation of the personnel management software P&I Plus.
  • Broad-based consulting in areas of personnel management (including payroll, reporting) and optimization of HR processes.
  • Design and implementation of numerous training courses.
  • Change management.
  • Go-live of P&I Plus with over 100,000 payrolls.
  • Mentor for new consultants.
Okt. 2006 - Sept. 2009
3 Jahren
Mainz, Germany

Dual Student of Business Informatics

IBM Deutschland Management & Business Support GmbH

Passing through various company departments as part of the dual study program. Fields of activity: Consulting, sales, software development, project management.


Ich bin eine positive und kreative Person mit einer „Hands-on“- Mentalität und großen Leidenschaft für die Entwicklung von Menschen, Teams und Unternehmen sowie dem Anwenden von innovativen Technologien. Ich biete kompetente Beratung, Trainings und Unterstützung zu verschiedensten Themen rund um HR, Personalentwicklung und Organisationsentwicklung an. Als Experte für Learning & Development entwickle ich individuelle Lernerlebnisse, die einen Unterschied bringen. Meine Spezialität ist die Verschmelzung der klassischen Personalentwicklung (Bedarfsermittlung, Maßnahmenplanung, Umsetzungsbetreuung, Trainingskonzeption, Trainingsdurchführung, etc.) mit modernen und digitalen Ansätzen (digitales Lernen, New Work, hybride Kollaboration, etc.).




Okt. 2014 - März 2017

Technische Universität, Kaiserslautern

Master of Arts · Personalentwicklung · Kaiserslautern, Germany · 1.6

Okt. 2006 - Sept. 2009

Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW), Mannheim

Bachelor of Science · Wirtschaftsinformatik · Mannheim, Germany · 1.8

Zertifikate & Bescheinigungen




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