Technologies: Python, Nodejs, Cucumber, JMeter, Joule, SAP Analytics Cloud, Azure AI Services, Kybernetes, Docker
Technologies: Python, FastAPI, Pydantic, LangChain, Azure AI Services, Azure OpenAI GPT-collection, Google Gemini-collection, Google Vector Search, PG-vector, Vertex AI, further GCP, DBeaver, SQL, Microsoft Bot Restful API, Kybernetes, Docker
Technologies: Python, PyTorch, Tensorflow, VowpalWabbit, KerasRL, Pyqlearning, Databricks, Snowflake, DBeaver, SQL, Apache Kafka, Kybernetes, Microsoft Azure, ML Studio, Adobe Target
Technologies: ParaStation Software Suite, various cluster managers including NVIDIA Bright, HPE, Atos, etc., HPC Schedulers such as Slurm, Altair PBSPro, etc., Kubernetes, various services from MS Azure, GCP, AWS concerning data transfer, HPC, Ansible Playbooks, etc., distributed communication libs including MPI, Cuda, Gloo and RPC, distributed versions of Tensorflow and PyTorch, AI-accelerated numerical simulation tools such as NVIDIA SimNet, commercial multi-physics solvers such as Comsol, Ansys, etc., visualization software such as Paraview, Catalyst, VisIt, ADIOS2, various QC libs such as in-house HPC quantum integration software QBridge, Qiskit, etc.
Technologies: Python 3, AWS DeepAR, Google Fusion Transformer, statsmodels, Catboost, Keras, TensorFlow, TensorFlow Recommenders, PyTest, Fast-API, HuggingFace, Gensim, scaCy, MlFlow, Github Workflows, Databricks, Kubernetes, Delta Lakehouse, Terraform, AWS SageMaker and related AWS services, Apache Airflow, Snowflake, Exasol, Power BI
Technologies: Python 3, AWS DeepAR, Google Fusion Transformer, statsmodels, Catboost, TensorFlow, TensorFlow Recommenders, MlFlow, PyTest, Fast-API, Github Workflows, Databricks, Delta Lakehouse, Terraform, AWS SageMaker and related AWS services, Apache Airflow, Snowflake, Exasol, Power BI
Technologies: Python 3, HuggingFace, Keras, TensorFlow, TensorFlow Recommenders, Microsoft Recommenders Collection, Spark ML, Reinforcement learning libraries such as Vowpal Wabbits, TensorFlow Agents, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, PyTest, etc.
Technologies: Python 3, TensorFlow, Scikit Learn, XGBoost, Google Cloud, Google Vertex AI, etc.
Technologies: Python 3, TensorFlow, Tensorflow Lite, Scikit Learn, XGBoost, PyTest, Fast-API, Apache Spark, AWS SageMaker (Studio and Pipelines), AWS CodePipeline, AWS Glue, AWS S3, AWS Control Tower, AWS Service Catalog, AWS Redshift, AWS DynamoDB, AWS Cloudformation, AWS CloudWatch, AWS Cloudtrail, AWS SAM, Snowflake, etc.
Technologies: VGG16, Yolo, Python 3, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit Learn, NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, Pytest, Fast-API, Tableau, Matplotlib, pySpark, OpenCV, Social Media APIs (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter), ElasticSearch, AWS RDS, AWS Pipeline, AWS Glue, AWS SageMaker, Nvidia-Docker, CUDA, Nccl, Linux, Git
Technologies: Python 3, XGBoost, TensorFlow, Scikit-learn, Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Hyperopt, Statsmodels, Matplotlib, Jupyter, PySpark, PyTest, Linux, Git
Technologies: Python 3 (and various libraries), pySpark, Avaya-Server, Linux, Windows, Git
Technologies: Python 3, TensorFlow, PyTorch, AWS SageMaker, AWS Glue, C++, EOSIO, Solidity, Git, Jupiter Notebook
Traveling Europe and Swiss Mountains
Technologies: Python, Scikit-learn, Numpy, Pandas, PySpark, PyTest, Java, Java Apache Spark (+ ML) Ecosystem, Apache Kafka, Apache Storm, Gradle, Git
Technologies: C++, C#, CUDA, CUDA-managed, OpenMP, Posix-Multithreading, Boost, Python, Git, Visual Studio, Windows, Windows-Server, Docker, Jenkins
Technologies: Nimiq Mining software, Javascript, Multithreading, Python, Bash, SSL, Git, Docker, AWS(EC2)
Technologies: C++, MPI, CUDA, Trilinos, Eigen, Boost, CMake, Git, Jenkins, Docker, Linux, AWS (EC2, S3, Starcluster)
Technologies: C++/C, POSIX threads, CUDA, OpenCV, Boost, Bazel, Git, Linux, NVIDIA Jetson, Google Cloud
Technologies: Python, TensorFlow, pySpark, Java, Apache Spark, Apache Kafka, Apache Storm, various other libraries from the Apache Spark Ecosystem, Couchbase, Cassandra Git, REST-APIs, Linux, Docker