Thomas Ranz

Freelance Consultant, Evaluator in Development Assistance: Food Security and Education

Thomas Ranz
Stuttgart, Germany


Feb. 2023 - März 2023
2 Monaten
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the

Programming expert

Welthunger-hilfe/ USAID

Preparation of a project proposal that meets the requirements of the donor USAID and Welthungerhilfe. Project title: "Emergency assistance to conflict affected internally displaced people and host communities in Masisi Territory and Kamango Health Zone, North Kivu, DRC."

Okt. 2022 - Jan. 2023
4 Monaten

Evaluator and Team leader

German Coop. and Raiffeisen Confederation, DGRV

Evaluation of the Regional Program for Promoting Cooperative Self-help Organizations in Asia. In its program in Cambodia DGRV's aim is to support the stepwise establishment of a sustainable cooperative system by working on micro-, meso-, and macro-level in the agricultural and microfinance sector.

Mai 2022 - Sept. 2022
5 Monaten
Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos)

Evaluator and Team leader


Evaluation of the Country Program Laos for the German Adult Education Association (DVV-I). The program is financed by Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) for a total period of nine years. The funding title is "Sozialstrukturförderung" (SSF) and the program is mainly dealing with Non-Formal Education Development with a focus on vocational training as well as soft skills and thus supporting women in rural and remote areas to substantially increase their income.

Feb. 2022 - Apr. 2022
3 Monaten
Central African Republic


Welthunger-hilfe/ BMZ

Evaluation of the BMZ-funded Support Project for the Recovery of Agricultural Production (PARPA). The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the sustainable improvement of food security of the population and the stabilization of the socio-economic situation in the urban areas of the Ombella-M'Poko prefecture (Bangui) in the Central African Republic.

Nov. 2021 - Dez. 2021
2 Monaten


Welthunger-hilfe/ KfW

Evaluation of the KfW-funded Ebola support Program in the four counties Grand Gedeh, River Gee, Sinoe, and Maryland in the Southeast of Liberia. The key sectors of the program are (i) infrastructure and construction of feeder roads, (ii) WaSH and (iii) food security.

Sept. 2021 - Jan. 2022
5 Monaten

Evaluator and Team leader

AWO International (Arbeiterwohlfahrt)

Mid-Term Evaluation of the BMZ-SSF Program "Integration, food safety and nutrition in Uganda", (10/2019-12/2022): The program's key objectives are: Strengthening resilience of refugees and vulnerable families in host communities and vulnerable regions affected by human trafficking in Uganda through socio-economic integration and promotion of a climate change adapted agriculture.

Juli 2021 - Okt. 2021
4 Monaten



Evaluation of the Country Strategy Malawi (2016 to 2021) for the United Nations' International Fund for Agricultural Development, IFAD. As member of the core team in charge for rural development, food security, micro-credits, and agricultural value chains.

März 2021 - Mai 2021
3 Monaten
Central African Republic


Action Against Hunger

Mid-term evaluation of the program "Emergency Food Aid and Mental Health Assistance for Vulnerable IDPs and Host Communities in Northwestern Central African Republic" with the two priority sectors (i) food aid and (ii) psychological first aid. The program is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.

Dez. 2020 - Feb. 2021
3 Monaten

Programming expert

German NGO "Help"

Proposal for a BMZ-funded project in the surroundings of Abéché in the sector of (i) agricultural value chains, (ii) revitalization of local and regional economy, and (iii) organizational support: strengthening of cooperative structures, integration of refugee population, vegetable growing and joint selling structures.

Okt. 2020 - Nov. 2020
2 Monaten


Swiss NGO "Latrine Togo"

Ex-post evaluation of the cooperation with the association N'Kotchoyem, which is active in the sanitation sector in the region of Sokodé and is financially supported since 1991. The evaluation focuses on two main points, (i) the professional and technical aspects of latrine construction and use (WASH), but also (ii) the organizational structure of the partner organization in particular.

Jan. 2015 - Bis heute
10 Jahren 2 Monaten

Project manager

AGEG Consultants eG

Main tasks: Project co-ordination, backstopping, tendering, market survey, staff recruitment, etc.

Sept. 1995 - Jan. 2015
19 Jahren 5 Monaten

Senior Project manager

AGEG Consultants eG

Main tasks: Project co-ordination, backstopping, tendering, market survey, staff recruitment, etc.


Rural development and food security Income generating measures and value chains Self-help support / micro-financing Community development / "animation rurale" Capacity building and decentralisation (public sector and NGOs) Reintegration and rehabilitation, LRRD Support for refugees and returnees, livelihoods, resilience Social development and education Employment and decent work Civil society and non-formal education schemes Basic education, vocational training and teachers training Excellent knowledge of strategies, methodological approaches, administrative procedures, tools and instruments of numerous donor agencies: as senior project manager with AGEG (50%) in the fields of backstopping, project management, tendering etc. for almost 20 years and as freelance consultant and evaluator within approximately 150 missions abroad in Africa, Asia and Haiti during the last 25 years.




März 1986 - Jan. 1989

Fachhochschule Nürtingen

Diploma · Socio-economic post-graduate studies, Internationales Genossenschaftswesen/Entwicklungsökonomie with specialisation on · Nürtingen, Germany

Sept. 1976 - März 1982

University of Stuttgart

Master of Arts · Educationalist · Stuttgart, Germany

Zertifikate & Bescheinigungen

Diploma in Socio-economic post-graduate studies

Fachhochschule Nürtingen

Master of Arts

University of Stuttgart