Pascal Bormann

Management, Sales, Turnaround

Pascal Bormann
Leipzig, Germany


Jan. 2014 - Bis heute
11 Jahren 2 Monaten

Regional Manager & Sales Manager & Turnaround Manager

ESO Education Group

ESO Education Group is one of Germany's largest education providers

  • Economic, sales and personnel management of locations
  • Turnaround (reduction of six-figure minus to plus) of Euro-Schools and Euro Academy at two locations within two years each
  • Increase in turnover by 80% and BE by 160% at the Halle location
  • Change in operational processes (including strength-compliant deployment and efficiency increase)
  • Interdisciplinary disciplinary responsibility for approx. 90 employees in Halle and as Regional Manager responsible for approx. 160 employees
  • Personnel acquisition in Germany and abroad (including through the use of social media)
  • Development of international business with local partners, including in Portugal and Morocco
  • Communication with internal and external stakeholders (B2P, B2B) to achieve company goals
  • Marketing activities in Germany and abroad
  • Quality management and tender participation
  • Procurement management
  • Property management
Jan. 2011 - Dez. 2015
3 Jahren
Gera, Germany

International Sales Manager

Moving Home Company

Moving Home Company is an SME moving and logistics company based in London

  • Setup of the German branch
  • Organization and coordination of all activities in Germany
  • Cold and warm acquisition
  • Development of a B2B network
Jan. 2010 - Dez. 2013
2 Jahren
Leipzig, Germany

Deputy Managing Director & Head of Sales, Marketing, Product Management

ddp direct

ddp direct was a startup and service provider for investor and public relations for B2B and B2P clients

  • Strategic business development
  • Sales increase of 54% within one year
  • Change of internal business processes for efficiency increase
  • B2B sales of IR and PR products
  • Development of SEO & SEM with the help of an external service provider
Jan. 2008 - Dez. 2011
4 Jahren
Leipzig, Germany

Managing Director & Head of Audio PR & Sales

Hugin | Thomson Reuters

Hugin / Thomson Reuters is an SME / corporation and service provider for investor and public relations for B2B and B2P clients

  • Strategic business development
  • Disciplinary management of approx. 30 employees
  • Sales of Audio PR products to SMEs, banks, media companies, corporations
  • Support of the merge between Hugin and Thomson Reuters and the sale of the Audio PR division under Thomson Reuters (as this did not fit into the international portfolio)
Jan. 2005 - Dez. 2009
3 Jahren
Frankfurt, Germany

Center Director

Wall Street Institute

Wall Street Institute was a corporation and international language school

  • P & L responsibility
  • Responsible for approx. 15 employees
  • B2C sales of language courses
Jan. 2002 - Dez. 2006
5 Jahren
Hagen, Germany

Franchisee / Self-employed

Hallo Pizza

Hallo Pizza was a nationwide home delivery service

  • Investment with five-figure equity capital
  • Responsible for approx. 30 employees
  • Annual turnover approx. € 450,000
Jan. 1991 - Dez. 2003
12 Jahren
Wuppertal, Germany

Department Manager / Retail Salesman

Kaufhof Warenhaus AG


Generalist, Macher, Troubleshooter Nach zehn Jahren Vertrieb, Turnaround- und Change Management, Strategieentwicklung und Internationalisierung in der ESO Education Group, einem der größten Bildungsanbieter Deutschlands, möchte ich meine langjährigen Erfahrungen in einem neuen Unternehmen einbringen. Die in meiner Verantwortung stehenden Euro Akademien und Euro-Schulen zählen zu den umsatz- und ergebnisstärksten Standorten innerhalb der Gruppe. Als Generalist arbeite ich mich stets sehr zügig auch in unbekannte Themengebiete ein. Es gelang mir immer nachweislich, die mir anvertrauten Unternehmensbereiche, egal ob in einem Start-up, KMU oder Konzern, nachhaltig erfolgreich zu machen und mit den Teams neue Wege zu gehen. Dabei hilft mir unter anderem meine Hands-on-Mentalität, eine sehr hohe Resilienz, sowie das richtige Gespür für den Markt und die Mitarbeitenden.




Okt. 1999 - Juni 2002

Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsakademie

BWL · Germany

Okt. 1988 - Juni 1991

Kaufhof Warenhaus AG

Kaufmann im Einzelhandel · Wuppertal, Germany

Zertifikate & Bescheinigungen

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