Consulting and coaching client on further development of central procurement:
Preparation and execution of tender for outsourcing HR and FI functions, including necessary software solutions:
Project manager for selection of new eProcurement system (required due to switch to S4/HANA):
As part of a procurement transformation project, responsible for realizing savings through pilot projects and developing initial commodity group strategies in the categories of combined heat and power plants and ash disposal.
Responsible for pre-clinical studies category:
Project member in material and supplier workstream for German pandemic preparedness project
Subject matter expert and coach for project team on telecommunications procurement in multiple countries:
Subject matter expert and project manager for negotiation of multiple long-term contracts for infrastructure projects between three telecommunications companies and a transport company. Contract value approx. 500 million euros.
Development of strategy and car policy for conversion of company fleet to battery electric and hybrid vehicles.
Project manager for Corona-related cancellation of planned trade fairs and events:
Management of bottleneck situation for exhaust systems required to comply with legal regulations, thereby avoiding production stops in plants:
End-of-line and cycle time optimization for production of inverter and booster for electric vehicle (BEV).
Subject matter expert for identifying savings potential in procurement of a food manufacturer:
Establishment of new "Procurement" function for all indirect categories:
Project management for introduction of new exhaust technologies to comply with new legal regulations:
Subject matter expert for selection of e-sourcing and e-auction system for a spun-off business unit:
Strategic procurement for all marketing/communication needs in Europe:
For the support function of individual division heads:
Strategic procurement for business travel and insurance:
Strategic procurement of IT and telecommunications:
Responsible for definition, coordination and implementation of logistics processes (to customer, returns, exchanges, refurbishment) for a new cable/IPTV product:
Design of tender strategy, preparation of tender documents, evaluation of offers, clarification and negotiation of offers:
Support of ongoing tender for selection of external service provider and preparation of framework conditions, in particular:
Project member (procurement) as part of an initiative to reduce costs of an existing product:
Analysis and optimization of processes for:
Interim management of strategic procurement for marketing, meetings & events, fleet and business travel:
Project manager (business) for introduction of SAP portal for globally standardized supplier data management (MDM) in 26 countries:
Analysis and optimization of data management for the two participating companies with a total procurement volume of approx. 16 billion euros:
Interim management of operational procurement and systems & process team during transformation of indirect procurement:
Design of turnaround plan for an over-indebted sole proprietorship:
Overall project manager for global introduction of:
Covered procurement volume: $3.5 billion p.a.
Transitional management of three operational procurement teams with a total of 15 employees and a procurement volume of 2.5 billion euros p.a.:
Optimization and shortening of a product introduction process.
Creation of strategy for procurement of "Managed Services":
For 1.8 billion euros procurement volume p.a. Result: Higher savings than initially planned
Analysis of current and definition of future target processes:
Result: Efficiency increase of 30%
Analysis of portfolio of contracts with external third parties taken over as part of an outsourcing deal:
Result: Identified and validated savings volume of 12%, based on $200 million procurement volume p.a.
Systematic analysis of implementation success of changes through structured interviews with employees:
Preparation of carve-out of procurement function:
Creation of procurement market analysis for telecommunications market and development of concrete recommendations for action for strategic procurement:
Creation of business case, cash flow calculation and company valuation:
Result: Company received financing of 1 million euros
Preparation of tender documents, including evaluation matrix, best-in-class contract formulations, etc.:
Volume 8 million euros
Creation and further development of business case (budget/revenue/cost planning) in run-up to product launch:
Implementation of target organization based on ITIL:
Recording requirements for a support tool with future users:
Preparation for sale of mobile communications division in Latin America:
Conceptualization, development and introduction of a new product:
Total volume 15 million euros
Subproject management for procurement topics of a worldwide outsourcing deal:
Order management for Latin America:
Project management and negotiation leadership for an IT outsourcing project where contracts, employees and assets were transferred to an outsourcing partner:
Responsible for topics "Intellectual Property", "Project and Operations" and "Contracting and Purchasing":
Global strategic procurement of IT hardware, services and telecommunications:
Responsible procurement volume 190 million euros p.a. Result: Savings of average 13% p.a.