Christian Heinkele

Unternehmensberater für das Fernsehen | Management Consulting | Geschäftsführer und Founder

Christian Heinkele
Bonn, Germany


Mai 2021 - Bis heute
3 Jahren 10 Monaten

Senior Advisor and Business Consultant


Senior Advisor for management consulting firm Arthur D. Little and senior advisor for media analytics software company Nice People At Work - NPAW. Consulting focus: Platform strategies, content license purchasing, product management for TV products, ARPU increases, B2B excellence, marketing strategies.

Since June 2021, host of the TV industry podcast "TV-Helden". Podcast for all who work professionally with television.


  • Top 4 TV platform in Germany
  • Largest FTTH network operator
  • Software company
  • Industry association
  • Media startup
  • Leading news channel

Projects in the areas of:

  • Strategic conception of a TV platform
  • Negotiation and conclusion of license agreements with media groups
  • Optimization of purchasing
  • Management of cooperation negotiations
  • Realignment of product portfolio and TV offerings
  • Development of sales and marketing in DACH region
  • Creation and implementation of a distribution strategy
  • Conception and marketing of a trade fair for media companies
Apr. 2016 - Aug. 2020
4 Jahren 5 Monaten
Cologne, Germany

Managing Director

Eviso Germany GmbH

As Managing Director of Eviso Germany GmbH / M7 Germany (100% subsidiary of Canal+ Luxembourg S.à r.l. / Vivendi) responsible for the B2B business area of Canal+ Luxembourg in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg. Eviso Germany is the leading provider of B2B TV wholesale products for cable and IP networks in Europe. In the cable business, M7 operates an independent and fully integrated digital program and services platform for around 140 network operators and has established itself as the third strongest platform for cable television in the German core market. As the only provider, M7 Germany provides TV licenses via satellite, cable, OTT and IPTV and has the largest content portfolio in German-speaking countries.

  • Shareholder and part of the management team that sold M7 Group SA to Canal+ International for 1.1 billion EUR in 2019.
  • Responsibility for over 20M EUR turnover per year and 25 employees.
  • Exceeding targets in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. Winning numerous new customers such as Deutsche Telekom (2016) and Swiss mobile company Salt (2017) with significant revenue and profit contributions.
  • Successful expansion in Austria and Switzerland and expansion to market leadership.
  • New conclusion of Canal+ Luxembourg's highest-revenue contract with Tele Columbus AG for three years and a subsequent extension on the same terms. This resulted in significantly exceeding targets and budget goals.
  • Multi-year extension of contracts with over 40 cooperation partners in a volume of three times the annual turnover each.
  • Initiation and establishment of the M7 Partner Awards for TV companies as a customer loyalty measure with annual award ceremonies in three categories.
  • Restructuring of the entire company with significant efficiency and effectiveness increases as well as cost savings, among other things through the introduction of key account management, standardization of all customer contracts, consistent automation, conclusion of new cooperations, renegotiation of contracts with all service providers, redesign of all processes, reduction of workforce and introduction of new IT systems.
  • Successful change management through the introduction of a new organization and a new organizational culture, new methods and agile project management. Doubling of employee satisfaction within 12 months.
  • Introduction of a new brand and a new corporate design as well as complete redesign of marketing support for B2B customers in 2017.
  • Expansion of the product portfolio through introduction of numerous new content and technical products with excellent market response. Expansion to the largest license portfolio for IPTV platforms and cable networks in German-speaking countries
  • Changes to business models through introduction of new products with minimum turnover commitments (2017) and reduction of dependence on variable revenues.
  • Redefinition of the service portfolio and introduction of a new basic fee with increase in fixed monthly revenues well above budget.
  • Sought-after expert with numerous publications in the trade press as well as at international congresses and trade fairs.
März 2015 - März 2016
1 Jahr 1 Monate

Head of Portfolio Management

M7 Group SA

M7 Group S.A., based in Luxembourg, is one of the largest platform operators for satellite and IP-based television in Europe. Since September 2019, M7 Group SA has been part of Canal+ International and the Vivendi Group. M7 Group operates local brands in various markets: CanalDigitaal and in the Netherlands, TV Vlaanderen and TéléSAT in Belgium, HD Austria in Austria, Skylink in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Diveo and the B2B business under the M7 brand in Germany. M7 Group supplies more than 3 million end customers with satellite and IP-fed radio and TV programs in digital and high-definition HD quality. M7 enables program providers to distribute TV signals via SAT, cable and IP. The headquarters of M7 Group SA is in Luxembourg, where an international team from eight different nations centrally manages the group activities.

  • Management of product management for Free TV, Pay TV, International TV and VOD for HD Austria (Austria) and M7 Germany (complete German-speaking Europe).
  • Responsibility for licensing of the most important content suppliers for FreeTV, Pay TV and VOD for HD Austria and M7 Germany. Conclusion of multi-year license agreements with RTL Group, ProsiebenSat.1, Disney, Fox, Universal, Discovery, Sony, Turner, TVN, Mediaset and Viacom among others.
  • Spokesperson for M7 Group's business in Germany and responsibility for all association work as well as public policy issues.
  • Introduction of the hybrid SAT & OTT platform HD Austria as responsible product and content manager in 2015.
  • Initiation and concept creation of the product as well as the project for the introduction of the new B2C DTH platform Diveo for the German market in the Management Board of M7 Group and with investors.
Dez. 2009 - Feb. 2015
5 Jahren 3 Monaten
Cologne, Germany

Director TV & Regulatory Affairs

M7 Deutschland GmbH

Eutelsat visAvision GmbH was a company of the Eutelsat Group Paris, one of the world's leading satellite operators. With visAvision, Eutelsat operated an independent and fully integrated digital program and services platform for network operators in Europe. The platform provided turnkey TV wholesale products, enabling simple and cost-efficient distribution of German and multinational TV programs. This also included the regulation of all legal and technical issues. Eutelsat visAvision GmbH was taken over by M7 Group SA in 2014, transferred to M7 Deutschland GmbH in 2015 and reorganized in Eviso Germany GmbH from April 2016.

  • Positions held: Senior Product Manager, Director TV & Content and Director TV & Regulatory Affairs
  • Management and responsibility of TV product management for Free TV, Pay TV, International TV, VOD & value-added services for all German-speaking countries. 186 TV programs and more than 12 million euros turnover per year.
  • Management of license & content purchasing for around 150 Free TV, Pay TV and international TV channels as well as for VOD and collecting societies for German-speaking regions in Europe.
  • Management of the Regulation & Media Policy Germany department for Eutelsat or M7 and responsibility for association work at ANGA, Deutsche TV-Plattform, VAUNET and Buglas among others. Coordination of Eutelsat or M7 activities and interests at media authorities, collecting societies and Federal Cartel Office proceedings.
  • Revenue & cost responsibility for the entire satellite capacity of the cable platform on Eutelsat 9A. Conclusion of long-term satellite capacity agreements with Mediaset Italia, TVN SA, BBC, Discovery, VIACOM, Bloomberg, Russia Today, TV 5, Bibel TV among others.
  • Responsibility for negotiations and contract conclusions with the collecting societies VG Media, GEMA, FFA, VFF, Münchner Runde
  • Key Accounting for the three highest-turnover customers Tele Columbus, primacom and NetCologne
  • Initiator and responsible for numerous innovations and projects:
  • 2010: Introduction of the first private HDTV channels into the German cable network.
  • 2011: Introduction of the first Pay TV channels in HDTV.
  • 2011: Expansion of the foreign language portfolio to the largest offering in cable and IPTV in Germany and Austria
  • 2012: Expansion of the IPTV portfolio to the largest in Germany.
  • 2013: Expansion of the SAT platform to the largest German HD platform
  • 2013: Market launch of the first encrypted HD Free TV product in Austrian cable.
  • 2014: Conception and development of the television of the future based on a self-developed IPTV and OTT platform. Awarded the "Best TV Everywhere Award" at IBC 2014.
  • 2014: Responsibility for linear and non-linear content procurement of 120 TV channels including public broadcasters ARD and ZDF for the market launch of the IPTV & OTT platform "meinFernsehen".
Dez. 2006 - Nov. 2009
3 Jahren
Cologne, Germany

Product Manager International TV

Unitymedia GmbH

Unitymedia GmbH is Germany's second largest cable network operator based in Cologne, which was originally created in 2005 through the merger of iesy, ish and Tele Columbus West. Unitymedia had around 6.4 million customers in 2009. For the years 2006 to 2009, Arena, a wholly owned subsidiary of Unitymedia, held the audiovisual exploitation rights to the Bundesliga. Since 2009, the company has been a subsidiary of Liberty Global.

  • Responsibility for the International TV product marketing area with 12 PayTV products (responsible for customer base, turnover, marketing budget, marketing campaigns as well as inbound and online sales channels).
  • Responsibility for cross-company Digital TV projects such as churn prevention and transfer of 150,000 Arena Bundesliga football customers to alternative products. Completion of the project significantly above budget.
  • Responsibility for budget planning, controlling and management reporting for the entire Digital TV division. Development of controlling for the Digital TV division.
Dez. 2003 - Nov. 2006
3 Jahren
Munich, Germany

Senior Consultant

Deloitte Consulting GmbH

Deloitte provides services in the areas of auditing, risk advisory, tax consulting, financial advisory and consulting for companies and institutions from all sectors of the economy. With a worldwide network of member firms in more than 150 countries, Deloitte supports clients worldwide in solving complex business challenges.

  • Senior Consultant in Corporate Strategy with industry specialization in Technology, Media & Telecommunication.
  • Design of marketing strategies for mobile phone companies.
  • Design of a micro-campaign strategy and implementation in the organization, among other things through the introduction of new processes and software at telecommunications providers.
  • Carrying out process redesign for German Internet Service Provider.
  • Development of controlling and reporting structures for leading German telecommunications company.
  • Management of project office for long-term projects with over 40 consultants.
  • Authoring of numerous internal and external publications on market trends and analyses.
  • Subject matter expert for machine-to-machine communication.
Mai 1999 - Feb. 2003
3 Jahren 10 Monaten


Linus Consulting

Management consultancy with numerous projects in the areas of market analyses, market entry strategies and M&A. This completely financed own studies.

Juli 1996 - Juli 1998
2 Jahren 1 Monate



Training as a reserve officer with the mountain infantry in Mittenwald and Bad Reichenhall. Awarded the Cross of Honor of the German Armed Forces in Bronze for loyal performance of duty and above-average performance as well as the Oder Flood Medal of the State of Brandenburg.


Ich bin eine Führungspersönlichkeit mit breit gefächertem Wissen und fundierter Management-Erfahrung. Bewährt in agilen Unternehmen des Mittelstands und in multinationalen Großkonzernen. Ich kann auf nachhaltige Erfolge im Realisieren von Wachstums- und Expansionspotenzialen, im Aufbau von neuen Geschäftsfeldern, Expansion in neue Märkte sowie der Neuausrichtung von Unternehmensstrukturen und Organisationskulturen verweisen. Darüber hinaus ist meine Berufserfahrung geprägt durch die Etablierung wachstumsorientierter Geschäftsmodelle in herausfordernden Märkten, dem stetigen Optimieren von Prozessen, der Durchführung umfassender Kostenreduzierungsprogrammen und dem Aufbau erfolgreicher Vertriebs- und Marketingstrukturen. Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung in der Telekommunikations- und Medienbranche, bin ich Experte für sämtliche Fragestellungen bei TV-Plattformen, die Vermarktung und das Produktmanagement von Fernsehprodukten. Mein weltweites Netzwerk in der TMT-Branche erstreckt über Netz- und Infrastrukturbetreiber, Software- und Technologie Anbietern sowie speziellen Dienstleistern. Durch meine jahrelange Expertise bei der Lizenzierung von Fernsehsendern und -inhalten verfüge ich über den Zugang zu allen nationalen und internationalen Medienunternehmen und kann schnell und kosteneffizient Lizenzrechte vertraglich klären. Als Experte für Business-to-Business bin ich Coach im B2B Leadership und unterstütze Unternehmen insbesondere im Aufbau effizienter Akquise und der Pflege von Geschäftsbeziehungen wie auch dem B2B- und B2B2C Marketing. Ich bin Host eines der erfolgreichsten Podcasts in der deutschsprachigen TV-Branche, ein analytischer Kopf mit strukturierter und mitreisender Vorgehensweise, Teamplayer mit zertifizierter Fachkenntnis in agilen Methoden. Gefragter Vortragender auf internationalen Kongressen zu Themen über die Zukunft des Fernsehens, Digital Leadership, Change in Organisationen oder Regulatorischen Fragestellungen.




Okt. 1998 - März 2004

Universität Augsburg

Diplom-Kaufmann · Betriebswirtschaftslehre · Germany · 1,8

Sept. 1983 - Juli 1996

Gebhard-Müller-Schule (Wirtschaftsgymnasium) Biberach

Allgemeine Hochschulreife · Germany

University of California Berkeley

Marketing & Europäische Geschichte · United States

Zertifikate & Bescheinigungen

Professional Scrum Master

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Daniel Schaaf

Senior Prozess und Projekt Manager

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Mark Maczat

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Philipp Thomaschewski

Product & Project Lead / Interim CPO

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Marcus Baßler

Digital Transformation & Change Leader | International Project & Product Expert

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Yilmaz Kilic

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Pascal Geier

Experienced executive & consultant (PMP) with international track record (Europe, UAE)

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Alexander Schell

Teamlead, Senior Webdeveloper/Online-Marketer/Projekt Manager

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Tim Ahle

Interim Manager

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Barbara Tobiesen

Senior Digital Growth Consultant

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Markus Munk

Projektmanager, Interim Manager, Business Analyst

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Christian Hildebrandt

Senior Business Consultant - Marketing Systeme und Adserver Technologien

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Christian Golecki

CPO, Product Owner (PO), Produktmanagement, Projektmanagement (agil, klassisch,hybrid)

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Jürgen Groen

Senior Consultant - Projektmanager - Daten - Migraton

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Mirko Bonk

Principal Sales to Cash

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