Tungi Dang

Freelance Technical Product Lead | DevOps Expert | It Program Manager | Senior Solution Architect | Ai-engineer

Tungi Dang
Berlin, Germany


Oct 2023 - May 2024
8 months
Berlin, Germany

Senior Consultant Data Governance Lead | Product Architect

German Federal Foreign Office

  • Led Successful Migration from Legacy System to SAP HANA by executing data migration with rigorous validation and testing protocols, ensuring data integrity and consistency.
  • Coordinated with business units to schedule migration phases, minimizing operational disruption, achieved a 30% reduction in data retrieval time due to SAP HANA's in-memory and improved system performance by 25%, enabling faster transaction processing and reporting.
  • Designed a robust integration architecture to ensure seamless connectivity between SAP HANA and other enterprise systems as SCM and BI tools.
  • Utilized SAP HANA Smart Data Integration (SDI) and SAP HANA Smart Data Access (SDA) to enable real-time data integration and access.
  • Established ETL processes for efficient data extraction, transformation, and loading from multiple sources into SAP HANA and Implemented data governance and security protocols to protect sensitive information during integration.

Tech Stack & Tools: PowerBI, GraphQL, SAP CRM, Redshift, eCATT, OpenUI5, XML, jQuery, SAP S/4 HANA, REST API, OpenAPI, python, JSON, , FastAPI, Typescript, Java, Javascript, NodeJS, Jira, Confluence, Docker, microservices, IAM, Vaultkey

Jun 2023 - Present
1 year 9 months
Hamburg, Germany

Technical Product Lead | Senior Consulting |DevOps Testing Architect

Telefonica AG

Unterstützung der Teilprojektleiter bei der operativen Planung und Umsetzung: Als zentraler Bestandteil des Teams habe ich die Teilprojektleiter aktiv bei der Planung und Umsetzung strategischer Produktverbesserungen unterstützt. Durch gezielte Maßnahmen konnten wir das vierteljährliche Umsatzwachstumsziel um 20 % übertreffen. Ich war aktiv an der selbstständigen Optimierung bestehender Prozesse sowie der Konzeption und Umsetzung neuer Lösungsansätze beteiligt, um die Effizienz und Qualität der Lieferbeginn- und Lieferende-Prozesse der Marktrolle „Brand“ zu steigern Kontinuierliches Tracking und Fortschrittskontrolle sowie Nachverfolgung offener Lieferobjekte: Ich habe ein kontinuierliches Tracking-System implementiert, das es uns ermöglichte, den Fortschritt zu überwachen und offene Lieferobjekte effektiv nachzuverfolgen. Dies führte zu einer Reduzierung der Kundenabwanderung um 10 % durch die Einführung personalisierter und KI-gestützter Funktionen sowie proaktiver Kundensupport-Initiativen. Erstellung und Verwaltung von projektbezogenen Dokumentationen: Ich war verantwortlich für die Pflege und Aktualisierung aller Produktmanagement-Artefakte, einschließlich der Produkt-Roadmap, Produktspezifikationen (Anwendungsfälle und User Journeys) und priorisierter Feature-Backlogs. Dies gewährleistete eine transparente Kommunikation und effektive Zusammenarbeit im Team. Erfassung und laufende Kontrolle der projektbezogenen Risiken und Änderungen: Durch die Migration von Altsystemen auf eine Cloud-Infrastruktur und die Implementierung robuster Überwachungstools wie AWS CloudWatch und Prometheus konnte ich Risiken minimieren und die Systemverfügbarkeit auf 99,95 % steigern. Aktualisierung von Projektplänen und Abhängigkeiten: Meine abrechnungstechnischen Prozessen sowie meine Affinität für Systemprozesse und IT-Plattformen trugen dazu bei, Projekte erfolgreich abzuschließenIch habe kontinuierlich die Projektpläne und Abhängigkeiten aktualisiert, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Teams auf dem neuesten Stand sind und effektiv zusammenarbeiten können. Überwachung von Budgets und Meilensteinen: Durch sorgfältige Budgetüberwachung und Meilenstein-Tracking habe ich sichergestellt, dass Projekte termingerecht und innerhalb des Budgets abgeschlossen wurden, was zu einer Steigerung der Nutzerinteraktion um 25 % und der Kundenzufriedenheit um 15 % führte. Erstellung und Kontrolle von Statusberichten in Zusammenarbeit mit den Teilprojektleitern: Gemeinsam mit den Teilprojektleitern habe ich regelmäßige Statusberichte erstellt und überprüft, um den Projektfortschritt zu kommunizieren und mögliche Hindernisse frühzeitig zu identifizieren. Ich organisierte Projektmeetings inklusive Teilnahme, Vor- und Nachbereitung sowie Protokollierung, um eine effiziente Zusammenarbeit zu gewährleisten. Meine strukturierte Arbeitsweise, ausgeprägten analytischen und konzeptionellen Fähigkeiten, Hands-On-Mentalität und mein hohes Maß an Eigeninitiative ermöglichten es mir, in agilen Arbeitsumgebungen effektiv zu arbeiten und prozessuale Weiterentwicklungsansätze proaktiv zu identifizieren.Dies trug maßgeblich zur erfolgreichen Markteinführung von AldiTalk, Blau, NettoKom, AyYildiz und O2 bei.

Jan 2022 - Oct 2023
10 months
Berlin, Germany

Technical Product Architect

Volkswagen AG

  • Championed the integration of AI/ML algorithms to provide personalized product recommendations, resulting in a 20% increase in cross-sell and upsell revenue within the first quarter of implementation.
  • Successfully designed and implemented a multi-vendor Go2Market strategy using WhiteLabelFrontEnd and Poly/MonoRepo Approach to rollout world wide and use state of the are Ecommerce solution to drive online sales within the Volkswagen Group
  • Identified customer journey pain points with automated continuous deployment of shops across multiple environments, criticallly increasing the uptime of overall SLA
  • Introduced standard requirements management in SAFe-enviroment across multiple teams as a foundations for communication, expectation management and PI roadmap
  • Directed the transition to a robust cloud-based infrastructure, ensuring high availability and stability across global regions, which led to a 30% decrease in system downtimes and substantially enhanced user experience.

Tech Stack & Tools: AWS, GoogleCloud, Newrelic PowerBI, GraphQL, REST API, OpenAPI, React, python, FastAPI, Typescript, Java18, Javascript, NodeJS, Jira, confluence, Docker, microservices, Kubernetes, terraform, scrum, project management, golang, Domain Driven Design

Jun 2022 - Jul 2023
1 year 2 months
Hamburg, Germany

Product Line Lead | DevOps Architect

Allianz Technology

  • Successfully designed and implemented a multi-cloud strategy using crossplane.io to enable seamless deployment and management of applications across both Azure and AWS cloud platforms with IAM/RBAC principles for ITIL 4. This allowed for increased flexibility and agility in responding to business needs, reducing operational costs, improved resiliency and optimizing resource utilization.
  • Utilized ArgoCD to enable automated continuous deployment of applications across multiple environments, from development to production, significantly reducing the time required for manual deployment and minimizing the risk of errors or downtime. This resulted in faster time-to-market, improved customer satisfaction, and enhanced overall productivity.
  • Introduced StepFunctions as a foundations for monitoring to enable the creation of serverless workflows ,simplifying complex business processes and reducing the need for manual intervention. This resulted in improved scalability, reduced operational costs, and increased reliability.
  • Utilized Dynatrace and Grafana to monitor and optimize the performance of the multi-cloud environment, providing real-time insights into application behavior, identifying potential issues before they become critical, and enabling proactive problem resolution. This resulted in improved application availability, increased customer satisfaction, and enhanced overall performance.
  • Enhanced stakeholder engagement: Collaborated closely with key stakeholders, including Insurtech providers, OE-Customers, and B2B partners, to gain a comprehensive understanding of their requirements and issues. By proactively soliciting and addressing their feedback, I fostered a strong rapport with them, resulting in a 35% improvement in SLA compliance and greater trust in our product.
  • Defined training of the customer operations and scaled the workforce management within service-teams. Optimised the 24/7 support of our 1st level support, enhanced the quality of the 2nd level support, leading overall to 60% lower incident breaches.

Tech Stack & Tools: AWS, Azure, GraphQL, REST API, OpenAPI, React, python, FastAPI, Typescript, Javascript, NodeJ, DynamoDB, Jira, confluence, Docker, Dynatrace, ArgoCD, Crossplane, microservices, Kubernetes, terraform, scrum, project management, golang, Grafana

Sep 2021 - May 2022
9 months
Hamburg, Germany

Product Lead | DevOps Architect


  • Successful launch of a new product: led the development and launch of a new AI-powered OCR-system (E-Rezept, Telemedicine and Last-Mile-Delivery) leveraging ML-algorithms to track and analyse patient data. This product was well-received by our users and resulted in increased revenue by 65%.
  • Improved stakeholder engagement: worked closely with our stakeholders, including healthcare providers, patients, and B2B-Partners, to understand their needs and concerns. By actively listening to their feedback and addressing their concerns, I was able to build strong relationships with them, resulting in 28% increased SLA and trust in our product.
  • Introduced partner ecosystem: by enabling the implementation of multiple ERPs of the new Partner API, I defined technical key partner management metrics and ensured the operational excellence during the agreed SLA.
  • Streamlined product development process: I implemented agile methodologies and modern software development practices to streamline our product development process. By doing so, my team were able to reduce the Go-To-Market-Time, resulting in increased user engagement and satisfaction.
  • eCom-powered user-friendly product: Oversaw the integration of eCom-technologies into our product, which resulted in a more intuitive and user-friendly experience for our users. This service helped our users to easily navigate through the app and quickly find the information they needed, resulting in increased engagement and retention.
  • Data-driven decision-making: I implemented data-driven decision-making processes that enabled us to gather insights from user behavior and preferences. By analyzing this data, we were able to make informed decisions about product features and user experience, resulting in a more personalized and effective product.

Tech Stack & Tools: AWS, GraphQL, REST API, OpenAPI, ReactNative, jenkins, python, FastAPI, Typescript, Javascript, Redshift, Jira, confluence, Docker, OCR, microservices, Kubernetes, terraform, scrum, project management, golang, Java

Nov 2020 - Aug 2021
10 months
Hamburg, Germany

Product Lead | AI Architect | Senior Consultant

Uniper AG

Im Rahmen meiner Tätigkeit bei Uniper arbeitete ich in cross-funktionalen Projektteams an der Optimierung bestehender Prozesse sowie der Konzeption und Umsetzung neuer Lösungsansätze im energiewirtschaftlichen Kontext der Lieferbeginn- und Lieferende-Prozesse der Marktrolle „Lieferant“. Dabei war ich verantwortlich für den Entwurf und die Modellierung eines Knowledge Graphen, einschließlich der Definition des Schemas, der Entitäten und der Beziehungen innerhalb des Graphen. Dies erforderte ein tiefes Verständnis der energiewirtschaftlichen Daten und Prozesse sowie Fachwissen in Ontologien, Semantik und SPARQL. Ich implementierte den Wissensgraphen mithilfe der Neptune-Graph-DB, setzte die Datenbankinfrastruktur auf, importierte Daten und konfigurierte die Datenbank für optimale Leistung. Durch kontinuierliches Monitoring der zentralen Prozesse und die Ableitung entsprechender Maßnahmen gewährleistete ich eine hohe Prozessstabilität vor dem Hintergrund externer Einflüsse wie Gesetzesvorgaben und Regulatorik. Ich bewertete die Auswirkungen dieser Einflüsse und leitete entsprechende Maßnahmen ab. Zur Effizienz- und Qualitätssteigerung identifizierte ich proaktiv prozessuale Weiterentwicklungsansätze. Ich entwickelte und pflegte SPARQL-Abfragen und Mastertabellen, optimierte deren Leistung und stellte ihre Genauigkeit sicher. Zudem führte ich regelmäßiges Testing der angepassten Prozesse mit selbst erstellten Testfällen durch, einschließlich Test- und Fehlerdokumentation. Meine Arbeit erforderte fundierte Kenntnisse der Marktkommunikationsformate, -nachrichtentypen und -prozesse der deutschen Energiewirtschaft mit Schwerpunkt auf Belieferungsprozesse, insbesondere UTILMD. Darüber hinaus verfügte ich über gute Kenntnisse des Abrechnungssystems SAP IS-U und eine nachgewiesene Affinität für Systemprozesse und IT-Plattformen. Meine strukturierte Arbeitsweise, analytischen und konzeptionellen Fähigkeiten sowie meine Hands-On-Mentalität und mein hohes Maß an Eigeninitiative ermöglichten es mir, erfolgreich in agilen Arbeitsumgebungen zu agieren.

Nov 2020 - Feb 2021
4 months
Hamburg, Germany

Solution Architect Lead | Cloud Architect | Product Lead


  • Building and managing team of six developers in order to create complex online training for medical leads
  • Evaluation of business needs and technical consulting regarding new features, release planning, maintenance
  • Solution Architect Lead for multiple teams, requirements engineering, user story mapping, epics and tasks coordination, defining user stories with stakeholders
  • Create AWS and Google cloud native stack with GraphQL micro services ecosystem, designing and implement GraphQL API for integration of third party programms
  • Organise agile work environment with Scrum methods (Sprint Planning, StandsUp Retrospectives, Storypoints) along OKR
  • Implementation CI/CD DevOps with microservices (spring boot) on docker for a sustainable product with automated tests (jenkins,sonarqube) and error handling
  • Knowledge Graph Engineering (neo4j) for health care for GDPR-friendly web application and conception of API
  • Implementation of cloud monitoring with newrelic | datadog with anomaly detection
  • Conception of product, feature and user workflow with the UI Lead on SKETCH

Tech Stack & Tools: AWS, GraphQL, REST API, Springboot, Newrelic, data dog, sketch, jenkins, python. Typescript, Javascript, Redshift, Jira, confluence, Docker, microservices, Kubernetes, terraform, scrum, project management, golang, Java

Feb 2020 - Nov 2020
10 months
Stuttgart, Germany

Solution Architect Lead | AI Engineer | Product Owner | Cloud Architect

RVNT & Messe Stuttgart

  • Build neural networks( Natural Language Processing and Object Detection) with python, Tensorflow and setup ETL-pipeline and ML-OPS-pipeline on AzureMLops
  • QA Engineering with cypress.io and k6.io
  • Documention of implemented services and features in Confluence
  • Creation, Designing the Service of the RestAPI and Implementation of GraphQL
  • Managing the product backlog and being responsible for building, editing and maintaining it;
  • Managing customers/stakeholders and understanding customer needs and translating them into product backlog
  • Consulting for performance optimisation the web and app interface with building SOA on microservices and Kafka stream API, java, springboot, influxdb, exasol
  • Working in an agile team setup and actively participating in scrum ceremonies such as planning, review, backlog refinement;
  • Code reviews, defining developer guidelines,
  • Multi Cloud Stack with Microservice architecture, create developer documentation (GCP,Azure,AWS)
  • Automatic bug reporting and crash analytics with Data Dog
  • User insights through Matomo and Firebase analytics
  • Management of Jira Backlog and Feature requests (2-weeks sprint planning)
  • CI/CD Pipeline with Kubernetes, docker, jenkins, sonarquube, GitLab

Tech Stack & Tools: Azure, REST API, Springboot, postman Newrelic, data dog, sketch, jenkins, python. Typescript, Javascript, Java, AWS Redshift, Jira, confluence, Kubernetes, scrum, project management, matomo, golang, Docker, kubernetes

Mar 2019 - Dec 2020
1 year 10 months
Hamburg, Germany

Solution Architect | Data Science, Data Engineering

Capgemini SE

  • Retail, Fashion: Mobile App Development for store retailer with Salesforce CRM and Flutter and Azure Techstack for ADIDAS
  • Solution Architect for InsurTech HUK24, Defining Business logic in javascript and nodeJS, API and database design for high scalable web application, SOA with docker and kubernetes in multicloud enviroment
  • Payment Project internal reporting tool - star finanz, Sparkasse (Mobile app and Web app) Implementation of SOA
  • Machine Learning Application for Technische Krankenkasse(tensorflow)
  • Digitalization the workflow for Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie
  • Strategic IT planning (Deep Experienced Retail) for Versace

Tech Stack & Tools: Azure, Google Cloud, AWS, Salesforce, Mulesoft, UIpath, Flutter, Angular, React, vue.js, javascript, typescript, golang , REST API, GraphQL, Springboot, postman, tensorflow, figma, materialUI, firebase, aws lambda, Newrelic, data dog, sketch, jenkins, python. Typescript, Javascript, Redshift, Jira, confluence, Kubernetes, scrum, project management, matomo, powershell, design thinking, BLE, Lora, swagger

Oct 2016 - Feb 2019
2 years 5 months
Hamburg, Germany

Product Owner| Data Scientist

Erminas GmbH

  • Business analytics with Tableau and Python for Airbus
  • Image recognition with tensorflow for IBM
  • IoT-architecture in public health for MICROSOFT
  • Leading Design thinking and User research workshops


As a Technical Product Lead, IT Program Manager, Senior Solution Architect, and AI Engineer, I specialize in transforming smart IT strategies into cutting-edge digital products. With over 8 years of experience in management consulting, software development, and product ownership, I excel in driving data-driven transformations across diverse industries including manufacturing, logistics, operations, public government, InsurTech, FinTech, FMCG, and fashion. My passion lies in leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning to create intelligent, adaptive solutions that empower businesses. I thrive on building success stories through collaborative international and interdisciplinary teams, harnessing the power of excellent communication to unlock the full potential of digital innovation.




Oct 2015 - Dec 2020


Machine Learning · Hamburg, Germany

Oct 2015 - Dec 2015

San Diego State University

Visiting Research · San Diego, United States · 1.7


M.Sc. · Master of Science · Hamburg, Germany · 1.3

Certifications & licenses

Scrum Certified