As an experienced creative and leader, I have a deep understanding and experience in design, its processes and methods. This allows me to research and create meaningful interactions, services or products for you and your users.
A history of complex and interdisciplinary environments enable me to get familiar, navigate and create meaningful impact in new contexts and challenges quickly.
Industry Knowledge:
Tools & Technologies:
Additional Skills:
Responsibility for a large group of talented Designers distributed across multiple sites including the strategic planning and vision of the team. Next to creating safe spaces, removing blockers and enabling interdisciplinary teams, I created and implemented holistic design approaches and concepts for small and large organisations.
Leading interdisciplinary teams in creating UX and Service Design concepts in holistic and complex environments. My contribution included consulting clients, envisioning strategies, creating and facilitating workshops as well, next to enabling and supporting young designers as creative leader and supervisor.
Creation of holistic concepts and designs for a data driven knowledge platform based on AI. Structuring of creative processes and interdisciplinary work (agile workflows).