Follow up of PhD project with a particular focus on the impact of a newly developed risk interpretation on basics and methodologies of management, science and engineering
Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering, Safety and Environmental Technology Group (Prof. Dr. Konrad Hungerbühler)
Main topic: ecological evaluation of chemical products and processes
Chemical Engineering Department (Prof. Dr. Gregory J. McRae)
Main topic: risk-minimizing development of new chemical processes/products
Plus additional subsequent stays during the PhD and postdoctoral projects
Both projects were supported by DAAD and Bayer AG
Title of thesis: "Investment in chemical products and processes: dealing with risk in shareholder value-oriented and ecological evaluations of innovative projects"
Degree: Dr.-Ing. (doctor in engineering), "magna cum laude"
Cooperation with MIT and ETH Zurich
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schomäcker, second advisor: Prof. Dr. Dietger Hahn
This Ph.D. project was supported financially by Bayer AG
Studies of industrial engineering and management (Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen) with specialization in industrial chemistry
Degree: Diplom
Emergency room