Daniel Schaaf


Daniel Schaaf
Offenbach, Germany


Jan 2022 - Dec 2023
1 year

Interim IT Manager

Local Energy Provider

The task consisted of assessing and approving project requests, as well as providing content and methodological advice to the specialist side (coaching) in the conception, evaluation (business case) and implementation of projects. The focus was on core business processes, M2C, controlling, trade, Mako, KPI analyses, digitization, information security and data protection. Another task was the further development of the Stage-Gate project methodology into agile methods. The technological environment consisted of SAP S/4, Jira, AZURE, adoit, Signavio, BARC, Jedox, Power Platform, sharepoint, various DMS, Adobe, snowflake, cloud technologies.

Jan 2014 - Present
11 years 3 months

Head of IT, Finance, Marketing and Purchasing

Food ecommerce Startup

Development of an eBusiness platform based on Magento with multible sub-projects: Multi Language, Multi Shop with different business models B2C, B2B, development of a warehouse management system with special requirements for organic products (lot accounting), integration of DMS (including creation of rule and AI-based tagging of emails), integration of prebilling, accounting, integration of payment and logistics service providers, integration of marketplaces (eBay, Amazon Seller, Amazon Vendor), integration of marketing, adaptation to new regulatory requirements (complex VAT requirements, EU-OSS, organic accounting, etc.), development of several microapplications as process tools, creation of controlling tools and data analysis, development of rule-based apps for fraud detection and prevention, credit scoring, address checking, KPI analyses, automation of dunning, optimization of fulfillment processes, marketing KPI, connection to DMS, several highly complex updates including rollout, virtualization of the hardware basis, migration to a private cloud, catalog and content management, evaluation of identity check systems

My roles in the project: In addition to the overall coordination of IT development with a multinational team of freelancers and operations, my tasks were: worldwide purchasing including commodities, finance, HR/payroll/controlling, operational and strategic marketing, analyses (SQL), process development, logistics shipping, import, sea and air freight, change management, business cases. The project was carried out with 3 major migrations (so that IT can follow the growth of the company) in 12 epics and over 100 sprints using the SCRUM method.

Tools: Magento, Selenium, Mysql, Jira, Tomcat, Apache Camel, Aiveo, Redmine, Bit, Docker, nginx

In spring 2024 I had to experience that redundancy, backup and standard security technologies are sometimes not enough. After a fire in the data center and the total demolishion of both of our servers, it took us 8 weeks to get the company's entire IT system up and running again from scratch.

Jan 2013 - Dec 2017
5 years

Business Analyst

Transportation Group

  • Establishing a new change process for client systems
  • Building up a B2B eCommerce (internal) Portal (intershop)
  • Commercial Processes to an international, external Service Provider
  • Data cleansing and Migration of CMDB
  • Review of accounting and pricing processes
  • User Testing, Usability, KPI
  • Migration of 130.000 Client systems
Jan 2009 - Dec 2013
3 years

Program Manager

Energy Group

A process management system was developed for a regional energy supplier, which then served as a model for similar group companies. Process improvement potential was determined using KPIs. Other focal points were Maco and trading processes, the documentation of network processes in geoinformation systems, metering and debtor processes, and a uniform interface structure.

My role in the project: Program Manager, Analyst (actual and target, business cases), Coach, Business Analyst, Data Manager, Test Manager, Change Manager

Technologies: ARIS, Camunda, jBoss, sharepoint, SAP IS/U, Allegro, various CAD

Jan 2007 - Dec 2010
4 years

Project Manager IT/Processes

Energy Group

For a leading global energy company, the ITC subsidiaries, which had become part of the group following international acquisitions, were organizationally consolidated. My task was to set up process management departments in 8 subsidiaries, which would first identify national peculiarities and then convert them into uniform customer processes across the group. Another topic was data standardization (master, transaction and asset data) across all 8 international companies, national peculiarities (e.g. trading processes in the UK) and the communication of changes internally and externally. The project progress was monitored using a self-developed KPI tool for BPM processes.

Tools: Aris, SAP, Oracle, Remedy

My role in the project: Coach for project and process management in the German headquarters and branches in 8 countries, change manager

Jan 2005 - Dec 2008
2 years

Technical Architect

International Telco

CRM/PRM Project

Jun 2002 - Sep 2002
4 months



Analysis of the web content management of competitors in the financial market, concept of organization, knowledge management, process definition, multi language concept, technological conception definition of technical requirements

Jan 2002 - Dec 2006
5 years

Process and Program Manager

International Telco

  • Projekt Leader in BSS (SAP) - OOS (various) Integration Projects
  • Project Manager Process Redesign and Implementation Provisioning, Billing, Inventory Incident Management; Business Model
  • Data Cleansing, Reference Data and Migration especially on background of a German Tax Authorities Audit
  • Development of a AI based Pricing Tool
Jan 2002 - Dec 2004
2 years

Lead IT-Landscape Planning

European Transportation Company

  • Program and project portfolio management
  • Company overall process, Data Structures and IT-system analysis
  • Identifying of synergies and possibilities of technology consolidation
  • Definition and planning of target processes and IT-architecture
  • Choosing and implementation of a IT Planning Software
Feb 2001 - Oct 2001
9 months


Wholesalers Buying Syndicate

  • Business concept and process reengineering
  • Network concept
  • Project planning
  • Distributed application
Jan 2001 - Dec 2002
1 year



Organizational redesign and portfolio management for Germanys biggest knowledge management service provider, professional services and SW product strategy, market analysis, change management, financial planning

Jan 1999 - Dec 2002
2 years

Business Analyst

Swiss Retailer Group

  • Strategic decision memo for the upper management
  • ROI analysis, analysis of existing business processes, and systems, technical and business requirements
  • Group overall integration planning, tendering of products and services
  • Definition of sales and backoffice processes
  • Personalization and cross-selling strategy, European localization
  • User Tests and User experience
Jan 1998 - Sep 1999
1 year 9 months

Channel Sales Manager

Deutsche Telekom

Market and Sales Strategy, Pricing, Partner Acquisition and Training

Jan 1998 - Dec 1998
1 year

Business Analyst

Customer Service Callcenter

Implementation of a partner support structure, actually a three level customer and partner hotline; all aspects of a callcenter project, beginning with qualitative and quantitative demand evaluation, technical planning, product assessment, risk management etc. ending with organizational implementation, technology rollout (Aspect ACD, Ericson CTI middleware, Remedy trouble ticket, complex integration in various production systems) and agents training and knowledge systems.

Jan 1992 - Dec 1997
4 years

Sales Director

Medical Technologies GmbH

Sales and Field Service for computer based diagnosis systems


 „Trouble Shooter“; Leitung von Projekten in besonders schwierigem Umfeld  Sehr viel Erfahrung in der Bereinigung inkonsistenter und unstrukturierter Daten  Kommunikation und Vermittlung zwischen Fachseite und IT  Verhandlungsstärke  Strategieentwicklung, Analysestärke, Daten- und Businessfokus  Vermittlung komplexer Sachverhalte; Präsentations- und Kommunikationsstärke (bis auf Board Ebene)  Prozess-, Kunden- und Markt- orientiertes Denken  Zahlenmensch, Analysestark, Data Driven  Durchsetzungsfähigkeit und Selbstmotivation  Generalist und „Hands on“ wenn nötig Methodische Kenntnisse:  Methoden des Projektmanagement; V-Modell, Rational Unified Process, Prince2 (foundation cert.), Agile Methoden  Prozessmodellierung und -Management  Organisations- und Prozessplanung  Programm Management, Datenmanagement und Bebauungsplanung  Entwicklung Integrationsstrategien  Einkauf IT, Lebensmittelproduktion  Qualitätsmanagement  KI und regelbasierte Systeme  Business Cases und Finanzplanung, ROI, Kostenkalkulation und Controlling  Wettbewerbs- und Marktanalysen  Produktauswahl und Ausschreibung  Workshop-Moderationstechniken  SLA Definition  Datenanalyse, Dataquality, Geodaten, Stammdaten, unstrukt. Daten  ITIL II, III (Foundation in 2006)  Gut gefüllte Consulting_Toolbox: Workshop Moderation, Mafo, Orga etc. In der IT bin ich sehr breit aufgestellt.




Oct 1992 - Jun 1994

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Universität Frankfurt

Diplom in Physics · Physics (solid state, Photography) · Frankfurt, Germany · 1,25

Oct 1992 - Jun 1994

Fernuniversität Hagen

Marketing, Accounting, Business Management · Hagen, Germany

Certifications & licenses

Prince 2 Foundation




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