Hubert Baier

Better thinking 14 days ahead, than to reconstruct a life long

Hubert Baier
Münster, Germany


Mai 2023 - Bis heute
1 Jahr 10 Monaten


Erfo SRF

Aug. 2008 - Bis heute
16 Jahren 7 Monaten
São Paulo, Brazil

Senior Expert - AFR

WhiteLabel-TandemProjects e.U

Sept. 2003 - Apr. 2007
3 Jahren 8 Monaten
Ennigerloh, Germany

Member of Board

ECOWEST Entsorgungsverbund Westfalen GmbH

Conversion and operation of a MBT from a very well-known supplier, whose plant once again did not meet the criteria for the AF application. First German MBT awarded in accordance with the AF-quality mark RAL 724. Co-working in panels of the BGS e.V. (registered Association of Quality surveillance of secondary fuels), at the environmental ministries of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Federal Ministry, and international AF standardization and its national mirroring panel.

Okt. 1997 - Sept. 2003
6 Jahren
Wiesbaden, Germany

AFR-Manager/ authorized signatory

Dyckerhoff Deutschland AG

  • Founding member of the registered Association of Quality Surveillance of Secondary Fuels and Recycling Wood (BGS e.V.)
  • Co-worker in panels of the VDZ and BDZ on the topics of AFR use & environment
  • Establishing of the Department for secondary materials including advisory for further European plants
  • Development of software for the in-house management of AFR including QM system
  • Germany-wide investments, projects and permits for the use of alternative fuels and raw materials (AFR)
Jan. 1992 - März 1996
4 Jahren 3 Monaten
Münster, Germany

Co-Managing Partner

EnTeCo Gesellschaft für Umweltschutztechnik und

  • Service provider for waste management and the cement industry
  • Waste assessment, feasibility studies and concepts for the utilization of waste
  • Recovery of rare-earth elements
  • Consolidation & immobilization
  • Supervision of students
Aug. 1989 - Dez. 1992
2 Jahren 5 Monaten
Holderbank, Switzerland

Junior Project Engineer


  • Basic research on alternative binder systems
  • Development of a high-early-strength binder system (100MPa after 4h) with statistically designed experiments (SDE)
  • Development and roll out of the group wide AFR-concept
Jan. 1981 - Juli 1992
10 Jahren 7 Monaten
Münster, Germany

Research Scientist

Institute of Mineralogy - Westphalian Wilhelm's University

  • Research and Didactics
  • Development of Multi Barrier Systems for Heavy Metal Immobilization
  • Development of Pre-processing of Fly Ashes and Other Mineral Residues for Recycling


Since May 1, 2023, I have also been entrusted with the office of President of the European ERFO. We promote the adoption and use of quality-assured SRF across Europe. Mainly, I continue to be a member of WhiteLabel-TandemProjects, the only holistic engineering and consultancy that can optimize, rebuild, coach or even operate demonstrably defective AF conditioning equipment or thermal production processes as a contractor's agency. As a group of global freelancers, we can take your projects from bin to flame, from planning to practice. References can be found on our homepage [](




Okt. 1979 - Juni 1989

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

Dipl.-Mineralogist (diploma) and final degree thesis (Dr. rer. nat.) · Applied Mineralogy and Processing

Okt. 1987 - Juni 1987

Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck

Gastsemester · Material- und Baustoffprüfung

Okt. 1992 - Juni 1993

Fernuniversität Hagen


Zertifikate & Bescheinigungen

Dipl.-Mineraloge/ graduated mineralogist

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