Kai Huxmann

Project Management Office (PMO), Digital Transformation, Strategy, Operations, Innovation, Gen AI, Cost Reduction

Kai Huxmann
Munich, Germany


Nov. 2017 - Bis heute
7 Jahren 4 Monaten
Munich, Germany

Freelance Consultant

CoMatch GmbH

Innovation, Strategy & Operations Projects

Jan. 2014 - Bis heute
11 Jahren 2 Monaten
Munich, Germany

Founder & CEO

BrainFactor GmbH

Consulting, Product Development, Innovation, eCommerce

Mai 2012 - Jan. 2016
3 Jahren 9 Monaten
Munich, Germany

Manager Customers & Business Models

Siemens AG

Driving sustainability as a business value-add: customer partnerships, sustainability based business models, projects (part time)

Apr. 2012 - Bis heute
12 Jahren 11 Monaten
Munich, Germany

Founder & CEO

Startup-360® | BrainFactor GmbH

Data driven quantification of failure indicators for startups and new businesses to identify counter measures

Nov. 2009 - Apr. 2012
2 Jahren 6 Monaten
Munich, Germany

Senior Project Manager Sustainability

Siemens AG

Responsible for sustainability rollout in EMEA region, program & strategy development, innovation and collaboration

Nov. 2006 - Okt. 2009
3 Jahren

Siemens Management Consulting

Siemens AG

Broad spectrum of strategy and implementation projects for top-, middle- and lower management on corporate level and business segments

Nov. 2005 - Juli 2006
9 Monaten
Danbury, United States
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

FAG Bearings Corporation

Leading business excellence logistics project to improve delivery performance

Graduate thesis project: "Effect of Uncertainty in Supply Chain Restrictions"

Feb. 2005 - Juni 2005
5 Monaten
Berlin, Germany
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

GRG Group

Development and implementation of a company-wide Balanced Scorecard for the 2200-employee business

Okt. 2003 - Jan. 2004
4 Monaten
Suzhou, China


Bosch Automotive Products Ltd.

Internship in Logistics/ Supply Chain Management and Development

Logistics planning for the SoP (start of production) for passive car safety

Okt. 2002 - Juli 2006
3 Jahren 10 Monaten
Berlin, Germany
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Company Consulting Team

Working in the Marketing Department of the Student Consultancy contributing to a wide range of projects (in parallel to studies)


- Broad strategy & business development expertise from different industries and markets - Extensive project management, PMO & Operations experience with focus on innovation & change - Excellent human relation and interaction skills on all levels of hierarchy - Entrepreneurial mindset and experience from several own projects and consulting - Highly motivated, result oriented and self-starter attitude - Strong analytical skill set with passion for data driven business models, innovation and startups




Feb. 2004 - Juli 2004

Macquarie University

Exchange Program · Business Forecasting and South East Asian Economies · Sydney, Australia

Okt. 2002 - Juli 2006

University of Technology

Dipl.-Ing. · Engineering · Berlin, Germany · Top 5% of class

Okt. 2002 - Juli 2006

University of Technology

Joint Masters Degree · Industrial Engineering and Management · Berlin, Germany

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