Creation of software assessment (C++, approx. 800k LOC)
Consulting on blockchain and bitcoin topics
Technologies: Windows, Linux, Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL
Implemented optimization of roaming SMS contingent billing using agile rapid prototyping approach. Developed algorithm using Jaro-Winkler distance and custom logic to handle timestamp differences across time zones, enabling accurate matching and billing of previously problematic cases.
Developed efficient solution for BNetzA compliance checking using digital tree structure for longest matching prefix search, reducing database load and processing time significantly while handling billions of records.
Learning HTML5, CSS, Scala, Clojure, MongoDB, Neo4j, Orient DB, Blockchain
Redesigned critical interface to eliminate manual maintenance needs and error cases through improved business logic implementation.
Implemented sophisticated data cleansing solution using Jaro-Winkler distance measurement, Daitch-Mokotoff phonetic search, and Damerau-Levenshtein distance neighborhood search algorithms for handling multilingual name variations.
Implemented efficient two-stage algorithm using Bloom filter and modified Horspool algorithm for searching phone numbers in billions of binary encoded records, achieving quasi-linear runtime performance.
Implemented custom Job Control Server as Control-M replacement for automated multi-tenant securities back office system that remained in production for over 10 years.
Implemented comprehensive automated workflow system enabling seamless integration of new back office with existing environments.