Andreas (Michael) Schuster

Independent Freelancer

Andreas Schuster
Graz, Austria


Apr. 2023 - Bis heute
1 Jahr 11 Monaten
Graz, Austria

Embedded Systems Engineer

schuam e.U.

  • Konzept und Architekturerstellung für Firmwareprojekte
  • Firmware-/Mikrocontrollerprogrammierung
  • Softwareentwicklung
Jan. 2021 - März 2023
1 Jahr 3 Monaten
Graz, Austria

Embedded Systems Engineer

Spath Micro Electronic Design GmbH

  • Firmware-/Mikrocontrollerprogrammierung
  • Softwaretests
  • Schaltungsentwicklung
Juni 2021 - Nov. 2021
6 Monaten

Diving Instructor/Guide

Nautic Team Gozo

Juli 2020 - Juni 2021
1 Jahr
Graz, Austria

Embedded Systems Engineer

Seabear GmbH/Johnson Outdoors

  • Platinendesign
  • Firmware-/Mikrocontrollerprogrammierung
  • galvanische und optische O2-Sensoren, optische CO2-Sensoren
  • Prototypen: aufbauen und testen
Okt. 2017 - Feb. 2020
2 Jahren 5 Monaten
Graz, Austria

Embedded Systems Engineer

Seabear GmbH/Johnson Outdoors

  • Platinendesign
  • Firmware-/Mikrocontrollerprogrammierung
  • galvanische und optische O2-Sensoren, optische CO2-Sensoren
  • Prototypen: aufbauen und testen
Okt. 2011 - Okt. 2014
3 Jahren 1 Monate
Graz, Austria

Embedded Systems Engineer, Marie Curie ITN ESR


  • Platinendesign
  • Firmware-/Mikrocontrollerprogrammierung
  • galvanische und optische O2-Sensoren, optische CO2-Sensoren
  • Prototypen: aufbauen und testen
Aug. 2011 - Sept. 2011
2 Monaten

Diving Instructor/Guide

Ocean World

Apr. 2011 - Mai 2011
2 Monaten

Diving Instructor/Guide

Dive and Fun

Dez. 2010 - Mai 2011
6 Monaten
Berlin, Germany

Student Assistant

Technische Universität Berlin

Tutor für das Fach "Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik"

Sept. 2010 - Nov. 2010
3 Monaten

Diving Instructor/Guide

Atlantik Tauchen

Jan. 2009 - Juli 2010
7 Monaten
Berlin, Germany


Daimler AG

Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung eines Elektromotors

Aug. 2007 - Sept. 2007
2 Monaten


Tauchschule Poseidon

Dez. 2006 - Juli 2008
1 Jahr 8 Monaten
Berlin, Germany

Student Assistant

Heliocentris Energiesysteme GmbH

Verpackung und Versand

Sept. 2005 - Sept. 2006
1 Jahr 1 Monate
Berlin, Germany


Semperlux AG

  • Metallverarbeitung
  • Fertigung von Lampen
Sept. 2003 - Juni 2004
10 Monaten
Berlin, Germany

Civil Service - Facility Manager

Vitanas Senioren Centrum


Since October 2011, I have been working in the field of Embedded Systems development. Initially employed as a developer until March 2023, and since April 2023, I have been working as an independent freelancer. During this time, I have gained experience in the following areas: - Requirements analysis, concept development, and architecture design for firmware projects - Firmware programming for microcontrollers from STMicroelectronics (STM32 family), Nordic, Texas Instruments, Intel (Nios II), Atmel (ATmega, ATXmega, AVR32): in C or C++ - Script programming in Python and Bash - Software testing (module/unit tests) and software integration - Windows-Software in C# - Software versioning with Git and SVN, including platforms like GitHub und GitLab - Software build automation with Make, CMake, and on CI/CD systems like Jenkins - Circuit development and PCB design using Altium Designer - Prototyping Projects I have worked on typically involved working with both the hardware (PCBs) and the software, and spanned various industries, including: - Automotive industry - Medical technology - Household/consumer electronics - Scuba diving industry Privately, I also enjoy exploring computer systems and consistently seek to broaden my knowledge. My primary interests include: - Operating systems: Linux, Embedded Linux (Yocto) - Programming/scripting languages: C, C++, Python, Bash - Container technologies: Docker, Podman, Kubernetes - Automation of development processes (CI/CD) - “XYZ as Code” paradigms, such as Infrastructure as Code with Ansible, Documentation as Code Additionally, I’m increasingly incorporating DevOps practices into my workflows.




Nov. 2012 - Juni 2016

Medizinische Universität Graz

Doktor der medizinischen Wissenschaft (Dr. scient. med.) · Doktoratsstudium der Medizinischen Wissenschaften · Graz, Austria

Aug. 2008 - Mai 2009

University of Arizona

Research Scholar · Tucson, United States

Okt. 2004 - März 2011

Technische Universität Berlin

Diplom Ingenieur (Elektrotechnik) (Dipl.-Ing.) · Elektrotechnik · Berlin, Germany

Zertifikate & Bescheinigungen

Certified Kubernetes Administrator

Linux Foundation

Embedded Linux Development With Yocto Project

Linux Foundation

Linux Foundation Certified Systems Administrator

Linux Foundation