Ingo Steinke

Senior Web Developer

Ingo Steinke
Berlin, Germany


Dec 2020 - Present
4 years 3 months
Berlin, Germany

Freelance Web Developer


Working as a freelance web developer for clients including nexum, FoodTogether and Planted.

  • Developed WordPress website for sustainable fashion consultant (KleiderOrdnung.Berlin)
  • Created modular design system using Fractal framework as Senior Lead Developer
  • Supporting development of WooCommerce shop for sustainable food delivery service (Food Together)
  • Optimized responsive design for climate psychology campaign website
  • Developed Shopware 6 plugin for load time optimization
  • Developed and updated components for web app
  • Relaunched personal portfolio website
  • Optimized and extended various WordPress websites
  • Supported Planted startup with payment integration and onboarding

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, WordPress, WooCommerce, Shopware, React, Vue.js, Eleventy, Webflow

Jan 2014 - Nov 2020
6 years 11 months
Berlin, Germany

Technical Consultant

Sevenval Technologies / Avenga Germany

Optimized load time and mobile usability of apps and websites for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Otto Group online shops. Created frontend applications for and other clients.

Jan 2009 - Dec 2014
4 years
Düsseldorf, Germany

E-Commerce Engineer


Developed online shops for, Ars mundi and other clients.

Jan 1999 - Dec 2009
10 years
Münster, Germany

Startup Co-Founder

Co-founded startup in Münster. Developed interactive websites and browser games. Later focused on search engine optimization and CMS/shop software Active-Webshop.


I'm Ingo Steinke, a front-end-focused web developer with over 20 years of professional experience. When developing elegant and easy-to-use websites, I pay attention to accessibility, loading speed, and maintainability. My favorite technologies are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, and PHP. Since 2024, I am a certified Shopware developer. I'm pragmatic and communicative and enjoy working closely with web designers.



Certifications & licenses

Shopware 6 Certified Developer

Shopware AG