UI/UX / Development of custom applications, APIs and WordPress themes in frontend and backend
Technologies and skills: WordPress, WooCommerce, Gulp, MySQL, Ajax, Git, Vanilla JS, Composer, REST, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Laravel, jQuery, VueJS, LESS, SASS, CSS Animations, UI/UX, Wireframes, Prototyping, Design Thinking, Web Design, App Design, Concepts, Responsive, Cross-Browser, Performance, SEO, Google Adwords
Key projects:
OBI App UI/UX concept with integrated market navigation including design system build (2019-2020, 12 months)
SVG animations and landing pages development (2018-2019, 6 months)
Tönnjes Group websites maintenance and development (2019-present, 28+ months)
AboutYou shop system concept, design & development (2018, 6 months)
Tesa website UI/micro-macro interactions and design system (2021, 7 months)
Sixt limousine service website UI/UX (2018-2019, 5 months)
WordPress website development and maintenance (2020-2022, 24 months)
HanseMerkur partners web development and SEO (2023-present)
VW cars maintenance app concept, design system, wireframing, clickdummies (2023, 6 months)
Animation design and conception (2020-2022, 2 years)