Divij Wadhawan

Data Science & Cloud Architecture

Divij Wadhawan
Esslingen am Neckar, Germany


Feb 2021 - Present
4 years 1 month
Stuttgart, Germany

Data Scientist

Daimler AG

Mercedes Me is an app that connects your phone to several features in the car. One such feature is called Digital Drivers Log or 'Fahrtenbuch'. This product collects trip data when a customer drives his car. I am responsible for implementing analytical KPIs for this product using Pyspark on Databricks

Apr 2020 - Jan 2021
10 months
Stuttgart, Germany

Product Owner and Cloud Architect

Mercedes-Benz Vans

Mercedes-Pro is a B2B fleet management tool. This product sends real-time data from the vehicles to the application. Fleet Customers can use it to organize and manage their vehicles on a day-to-day basis. State of the art infrastructure is used from azure including event hubs, streaming jobs, virtual networks, service fabric as a container based service, azure devops for sprints, sql databases, data lake storage and azure web apps

Apr 2018 - Mar 2020
2 years
Stuttgart, Germany

Cloud Architect

Daimler Mobility AG

Employed at 360 Customer View and Data Lake team. From January 2019 took the responsibility as co-account owner and lead architect for microsoft azure platform and its operations. Main contribution was implementation of end to end data science architecture for development, testing and deployment of machine learning algorithms.


  • Rolling Forecast is a Time Series Forecasting Model which was developed by a team of 10 data scientists. Responsible for implementation and maintenance of cloud infrastructure which included services like HDInsight Clusters with Spark, Data Lake Store, Automation Accounts.
  • Early Warning Radar: Role of an IT Lead along with support the supplier for end-to-end development. This project combined external and internal data to predict market behaviour using machine learning algorithms. Objective of predicting this behaviour was to know early warning for a possible economic slowdown.
Jun 2017 - Mar 2018
10 months
Stuttgart, Germany

IT Consultant

Daimler Financial Services AG

Internal consultant to business teams of Risk Analytics, Customer 360 and Rolling Forecast. Use cases were from Emea and Asia Pacific markets. Role was to make business teams understand potential of their data and also implement hands-on end to end proof of concept to showcase the potential of machine learning in their day to day business.


  • Predicting Customer Sentiment: End-to-End Streaming analytics infrastructure on azure using sentiment analytics on congnitive services supported by python programming. Several data sources were used. The project was for risk analytics team and after its success was also used for strategy and marketing.
  • Calue: Set up of azure infrastructure to host a python + flask based application on a webapp. This project predicts residual value of a vehicle using attributes from websites like mobile.de and autoscout.de. Later it was also extended to include websites from other countries to support entities in other markets.
Apr 2016 - May 2017
1 year 2 months
Stuttgart, Germany

Praktikant + Masterand (Full Time)

Daimler Financial Services AG

  • Organised a hackathon in stuttgart where startups from all over the world participated.
  • Part of member of jury for deciding the top 3 startups for an AI based problem that was part of this hackathon.
  • Project Lead with the best startup to deliver a digital solution that auto-detects data quality challenges in large databases using AI

Wrote master thesis on the topic "Machine Learning in Data Quality" inspired by previous internship which was in a similar working area. R programming was used along with KNIME tool for technical work. The thesis was very successful and helped to get a full time contract at Daimler Financial Services as an IT Consultant.

Nov 2014 - Mar 2015
5 months

BI Developer

Essex Lake Group

Lead a team of 3 for delivering an end to end BI solution using Qlikview analytics tool and AWS for a big insurance provider in USA

Jun 2012 - Feb 2014
1 year 9 months

Analyst, IT Consulting


  • Consulted clients on end-to-end business intelligence technology
  • Improved turnaround time for financial and inventory reporting for a client in manufacturing industry
  • Tracked inventory and identified points of supply chain failure for a client in telecom industry
  • Designed and Developed analytic solutions with front ends using the tool qlikview and sql programming
  • Audited IT systems of various clients for compliance and assurance needs by kpmg financial audit teams


To either lead a company or start one myself and be number 1 in the world in sports-tech for individuals Looking for front end roles in driving strategy of an organisation based on data




Oct 2015 - Jun 2017

Magdeburg University

Msc · Data and Knowledge Engineering · Magdeburg, Germany

Oct 2008 - Jun 2012

IIIT Delhi University

BSc · Computer Engineering · India

Certifications & licenses

Certified Scuba Diver

F2 License for Test Vehicles

German Driving License

Udacity Data Science Nanodegree
