Christoph Thodte

Developer, Architect

Christoph Thodte
Magdeburg, Germany


Jan. 2024 - Aug. 2024
8 Monaten

Developer, Architect


Migrating an on-premise AEM project to the Adobe cloud with all related tasks (Setup pipelines, migrating content, adapting code for cloud, identify cloud issues, setup of CDN). Preparing all kind of Tests with Junit, functional tests, and UI Tests. Increasing the code coverage of the whole project (Junit tests)

Jan. 2022 - Jan. 2024
1 Jahr 1 Monate
Cologne, Germany



Maintenance and development of an existing AEM system. Developing new components and interfaces. Especially implementing missing test cases with Junit and Mockito.

Aug. 2022 - Sept. 2023
1 Jahr 2 Monaten
Frankfurt, Germany



Maintenance and development of new forms(PDF/AF) and processes

Technologies: AEM 6.3 - 6.5 / AEM Forms, PDF, AF, Java

März 2017 - Dez. 2022
5 Jahren 10 Monaten
Ludwigshafen, Germany



Agile test-driven development and maintenance of the BASF website. Integration and implementation of interfaces to third-party systems for content generation, development of Spring Boot applications.

Technologies: AEM 5.6 / 6.3 - 6.5 / AEM Sites, AEM MSM, Spring Boot, Spring Security, AWS, Adobe CloudManager, Java, Junit, Mockito

Feb. 2017 - Juni 2017
5 Monaten
Munich, Germany

Architect, Developer

Fraunhofer Gesellschaft

Development of components and interfaces to backend systems

Technology: AEM Forms 6.2

Dez. 2016 - Dez. 2020
3 Jahren 1 Monate
Ludwigshafen, Germany



Content consulting and restructuring as well as content migration

Technology: AEM 6.0

Aug. 2016 - Feb. 2017
7 Monaten
Cologne, Germany

Backend Developer


Webservice integration as client and server; UI development (components, design, template) according to agency specifications and related backend development (OSGI), localizations

Technologies: CQ 5.6 (Java, OSGI, Sling, Components), AEM 6.0

Feb. 2016 - Feb. 2016
1 Monate



Creation of an LC process and a leading web application for business trip requests

Technologies: Adobe LC ES 4, Java, AngularJS, Spring, PDF Form, XSD

Nov. 2015 - Aug. 2016
10 Monaten

Architect, Developer


UI development (components, design, template) according to agency specifications and related backend development (OSGI)

Technologies: AEM Forms 6.1, AEM Sites 6.1

Nov. 2015 - Mai 2016
7 Monaten


Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein

UI development with GWT and backend development with Spring for a business simulation for teaching

Technology: LiveCycle Designer ES 4

Sept. 2015 - März 2016
7 Monaten
Hanover, Germany


Finanz Informatik

Complete project implementation of a system for regression testing of PDF forms in the financial sector

Technologies: Adobe LiveCycle, iText, Spring

Sept. 2015 - Dez. 2015
4 Monaten



UI development with GWT and backend development with Spring for a business simulation for teaching

Technologies: GWT 2.7 / Spring 4

Juni 2015 - Aug. 2015
3 Monaten


Kanton Aargau / AJILA

Creation of a PoC for capturing application data for a scholarship with connection to external interfaces with AEM frontend (components, design, template) and backend development

Technologies: AEM 6.1 Forms, AEM Sites

Jan. 2014 - März 2016
2 Jahren 3 Monaten

Architect, Developer

Finanz Informatik

Requirements gathering and specification creation for automated form tests. The filling, texts and metadata are compared, evaluated and stored. Related reports are output as PDF.

Jan. 2014 - Dez. 2015
1 Jahr
Wiesbaden, Germany

Product Owner, Architect, Developer

Stadt Wiesbaden, Krankenversicherung der Bahnbeamten

Creation of a portal for form management (OpenSource basis of AEM). This portal can deliver the forms and receive and further process the returned data. Open architecture for individual extension

Jan. 2013 - Dez. 2019
6 Jahren

Architect, Developer

Wüstenrot & Württembergische

Consulting and design of a completely new form system (form design, form management, interfaces, adaptation and integration of systems). Extensive form development

Technologies: LiveCycle ES, Java (OSGI), Apache Felix, CQ5/ AEM6, Adobe Experience Manager, LiveCycle Designer, electronic signatures

Jan. 2011 - Dez. 2020
9 Jahren
Berlin, Germany


Berliner Wasserwerke

Provision of a server-side PDF generation service with interface provision for various systems as clients. Special features of PDF/A are taken into account and conversion is adapted according to customer specifications

Technologies: LiveCycle ES PDF-Generator, Java (ImageMagick, XML), PDF/A

Jan. 2011 - Dez. 2015
3 Jahren


Finanz Informatik

Design of forms and document templates according to FI-CI and implementation of form logic with JavaScript. Creation of data filling with XML. Project also includes consulting on implementation, maintenance and further development of a complex form system

Technologies: Adobe LiveCycle Designer, XML, JavaScript, LiveCycle ES

Jan. 2011 - Dez. 2013
1 Jahr


Finanz Informatik

Development of various XML tools to compare XML-based form descriptions and automatically integrate them into the FI environment

Technologies: Java, SWT, XML, Google Guice, Maven

Jan. 2011 - Dez. 2013
1 Jahr



Creation of PDF and HTML5 forms that can be filled out and retrieved via an app

Technologies: HTML 5, Android, iOS, Adobe Phonegapp, Java(iText, Tomcat, REST), Adobe LiveCycle Designer

Jan. 2010 - Dez. 2013
2 Jahren
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Vattenfall Europe

Consulting and partial implementation of requirements for integration of the Adobe product

Technologies: LiveCycle ES, Adobe Correspondence Management, LiveCycle Designer, XML, CQ5

Jan. 2010 - Dez. 2011
1 Jahr
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Collaboration in a team for the redesign of the StudiVZ portal. Implementation of the interface with GWT and connection of backend systems

Technologies: Java (GWT, REST, HTML5, JavaScript)

Jan. 2009 - März 2024
15 Jahren 3 Monaten
Leipzig, Germany

Support Engineer

MultiVendorHelpdesk Comparex

Support of the helpdesk in answering customer inquiries about Adobe products (Third-Level-Support). Analysis, consulting and if necessary communication with the manufacturer

Jan. 2009 - März 2024
15 Jahren 3 Monaten

Architect, Developer

Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt

Development of a complex application system (mail receipt to notification creation) with a workflow system. PDF forms, signatures and XML are used. The web applications are GWT Spring applications. Continuous further development and maintenance takes place. Different DMS systems are used for data storage

Technologies: LiveCycle ES, Java (GWT, Spring, JMS, REST, http, MySQL, JPA, jbpm), LiveCycle Designer, electronic signatures, Maven, Tomcat, Apache FOP, XSLT, XML, Alfresco, Sharepoint

Jan. 2009 - Dez. 2015
6 Jahren



Form development for Siemens employees with large database that is converted from Excel to XML for static form filling

Technologies: LiveCycle Designer, XML




Okt. 2007 - Bis heute
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Diplom · Informatik

Zertifikate & Bescheinigungen

Adobe Certified Master Sites Architect

Adobe Sign Essentials

Adobe Certified Expert AEM Dev/Ops Engineer

Certified Professional for Software Architecture

ACE AEM Architect

Adobe Certified Expert – Adobe Experience Manager Form Developer