Christopher Mäuer

Full-Stack Engineer & Cloud Architecture Consultant

Christopher Mäuer
Berlin, Germany


Okt. 2022 - Bis heute
2 Jahren 5 Monaten

Mobile & Full-Stack Engineer

Propstack GmbH

At Propstack I was hired to lead the mobile app development after a longer period of stagnation. Parts of my plans to update the codebase and prepare the app for future development were:

  • refactoring of the app, reimplementing stores, models, API client, screens and components using Typescript
  • adding performant on-device storage for stores as a preparation for an offline mode
  • adding the RNUILib to achieve a minimal and modern UI design fast
  • implementing native packages to provide more features (e.g. displaying of Caller Ids)

After the initial refactoring and redesign of the app, I will start working on feature development and improvements to the UX.

Mai 2022 - Okt. 2022
6 Monaten

Senior Full-Stack & Mobile Engineer

Zeppelin Lab GmbH

Working as a Full-Stack Engineer for Web & Mobile at Zeppelin Lab GmbH, I am part of the akii-Team, which is a product aiming to make the key management on construction sites smart. Using a mobile app, construction workers open doors and start construction machinery backed by an extensive access rights management system.

My responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • implementing Bluetooth communication with smart locks in the mobile app powered by React Native
  • implementing NFC tag reading & writing for granting temporary guest accesses through the mobile app
  • restructuring of the access rights management system
  • improving the web app loading speeds for larger lock plans (through paralleled GraphQL requests)
Apr. 2022 - Bis heute
2 Jahren 11 Monaten

Cloud Architecture Consultant, Software Architect

AMS Service GmbH

leading the software architecture migration from a monolithic to a flexible service-based architecture

  • applying Domain Driven Development pattern
  • working hand-in-hand with Domain managers (e.g. product managers, managing directors, ...)

designing, provisioning and maintaining bare-metal Kubernetes clusters as well as automated CI/CD strategies using GitLab EE self-managed and ArgoCD for GitOps

consulting regarding and integration of the desired tech stack including but not limited to:

  • Ambassador Edge Stack (North-South traffic)
  • Nginx Ingress Controller
  • Istio Service Mesh (East-West traffic)
  • Keycloak (SSO server for various services)
  • ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) and DataDog for Monitoring and Logging
  • ArgoCD
  • Open Source Routing Engine (OSRM, for OpenStreetMap)
  • Overflow API for OSM address / geo-coordinate querying

implementation of an internal Developer Panel for self-service

presentation & workshops for the Software Engineers (e.g. regarding Docker, Docker Compose, Test Driven Development, Event Driven Architecture, ...)

Juli 2020 - Apr. 2022
1 Jahr 10 Monaten

Senior Full-Stack Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Software Architect

AMS Service GmbH

Working as a DevOps Engineer and Full-Stack Software-Engineer at AMS Service GmbH my goal is to modernize development processes and to translate the existing applications from a monolithic to a cloud native architecture. My responsibility includes but is not limited to:

  • re-building interfaces in Vue.js
  • implementing RESTful APIs and websocket communication
  • implementing JWT authentication schemes
  • implementing CI/CD pipelines using GitLab
  • restructuring the project management with Jira and Confluence using agile processes
  • building custom Docker images for each service
  • planning, building and maintaining Kubernetes clusters - onboarding and mentoring of new hires
Feb. 2019 - Aug. 2019
7 Monaten

Bike Messenger

Deliveroo Germany GmbH

Rider during training at OSZ IMT

Aug. 2018 - März 2019
8 Monaten

Bike Messenger

Chargery GmbH

Rider during training at OSZ IMT

Okt. 2016 - Juni 2020
3 Jahren 9 Monaten

Mathematical-Technical Software-Engineer (Trainee)

AMS Fuhrparkmanagement GmbH

  • trainee at OSZ IMT - School for Information and Medical Technology
  • developed software using PHP, MySQL, Java (Android) and Objective C / Swift (iOS)
  • developed two native Android and iOS apps
  • implemented HTTP(S) RESTful APIs (client and server sided)
  • implemented kiosk mode for a driver-authentication-system for corporate car sharing based on the Android platform
  • initiated and realized first Vue-powered web application
Juni 2016 - Jan. 2018
1 Jahr 8 Monaten

Head of ScaleLab Germany, Full-Stack Engineer

ScaleLab, LLC.

  • developed software using PHP, MySQL
  • developed customer dashboards (YouTube channel stats and earning reports)
  • developed staff dashboards (YouTube creator management, recruiting, MCN management)
  • developed analysis tools for data from Google Analytics and YouTube Analytics
  • developed Apps for an existing customer dashboard solution (for management of customer information, YouTube channel optimization reports, Sponsorship management and much more)
Jan. 2015 - Dez. 2019
3 Jahren

Full-Stack Engineer

Canyon Network UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

  • developed software using PHP, MySQL
  • developed customer dashboards (YouTube channel stats and earnings reports)
  • developed analysis tools for data from Google Analytics and YouTube Analytics
  • developed bridges between a LDAP server and customer dashboards, forum software (PhpBB) and Wordpress
Juni 2015 - Sept. 2016
1 Jahr 4 Monaten

IT Student

AMS Fuhrparkmanagement GmbH

  • studied applied sciences at Berlin School of Economics and Law
  • developed software using PHP, MySQL, Java (Android), Objective-C (iOS)
  • developed two native Android and iOS apps
  • implemented HTTP(S) RESTful API communication (client and server sided)
  • implemented on-device encryption
Jan. 2015 - Bis heute
10 Jahren 2 Monaten


dotManaged - Inhaber Christopher Mäuer

At dotManaged I provided webhosting solutions and datacenter / network services to web agencies and resellers. I operated my own autonomous network (AS213377) with multiple points of presence in various German datacenters but mainly in Berlin-Tempelhof where I offered networking and colocation services. Today, I am providing consulting services for larger infrastructure projects especially in connection with software architecture migrations towards cloud technologies.

Jan. 2013 - Juni 2015
2 Jahren 6 Monaten

Full-Stack Engineer, System Administrator

I.I.H Trade Group GmbH

  • developed software using PHP, MySQL
  • designed and built customer and staff dashboards (billing and service management)
  • managed and maintained dedicated server systems and networks - worked with Sophos dedicated UTM appliances
  • worked with Cisco dedicated firewall appliances
  • worked with PfSense virtual firewall appliances
  • worked with CentOS for SDN (software defined networking)
März 2010 - März 2010
1 Monate

Software Engineer Internship

IT & I GmbH

  • two week internship
  • designed and built a web-based error reporting tool using ASP.Net C# and MSSQL


Over the past 8 years working in different software engineering positions, I gained knowledge and experience in designing, enhancing and maintaining PHP and Vue.js based web applications as well as mobile applications based on mobile frameworks such as React Native but also using the native languages Java, Objective-C and Swift. As part of my efforts to modernize the development and release processes, I learned to implement CI/CD pipelines, build flexible Docker images, integrate GitOps, as well as to set up, maintain and monitor Kubernetes clusters for example using DataDog and Elastic (ELK Stack). At AMS, it is my responsibility to restructure the legacy monolithic web applications towards cloud ready service-based applications using REST- and GraphQL-APIs, Kubernetes, Edge Routing using Ambassador Edge Stack, centralized IAM using Keycloak, Service Mesh using Istio, Monitoring using Prometheus, Grafana, ELK-Stack and much more.




Okt. 2016 - Juni 2019

Oberstufenzentrum für Informations- und Medizintechnik Berlin-Neukölln

Mathematical-Technical Software-Engineer · Berlin, Germany

Okt. 2015 - Juni 2016

Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin

Dual Studies Computer Science · Berlin, Germany

Sept. 2013 - Juli 2015

Schul- und Leistungssportzentrum Berlin

A-Level (Abitur) · Berlin, Germany

Zertifikate & Bescheinigungen

YouTube Certified - Digital Rights

YouTube Certified - Audience Growth

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