Carlos Medina

Senior Team Leiter Web Developer PHP

Carlos Medina
Stuttgart, Germany


Mai 2023 - Sept. 2023
5 Monaten
Stuttgart, Germany


Migration Zend Framework 2/Laminas Stuttgart

Migration and adaptation of a publishing and management platform for the event agency "Die Planet Music & Media Veranstaltungs- & Verlags gmbH" from Zend Framework 2 and PHP 5.6 to Laminas and PHP8. Redesign and development of authorization and rights concepts as well as migration of data and database adjustments for the new features. Setting up the environment for development and testing. PHP unit testing and integration testing.

Technologies used: Unix environment, concept development, Zend Framework development, Laminas, architecture, software architecture, PHP 5.6, PHP 8+, MySQL/SQL, shell scripting, Git DevOps tasks

Team size: 2 developers + 1 PO

Okt. 2022 - Bis heute
2 Jahren 5 Monaten
Hamburg, Germany


SimplyNetworks GmbH

Pimcore for E-Commerce Project Hamburg

Consulting, concept development, analysis, software architecture and development for the central Pimcore system. Creation and analysis of concepts for changes to the data model and classes for the Pimcore system. Creation and adaptation of bundles (own and third-party). Creation, design and integration of APIs and external tools for providing data with shop system (Shopware 6).

Technologies used: Unix environment, concept development, Pimcore development, project management, PHP 8+, software architecture, MySQL/SQL, shell scripting, Git DevOps tasks

Team size: >20 people

März 2022 - Apr. 2023
1 Jahr 2 Monaten
Stuttgart, Germany


Design, Analysis and Software Development Stuttgart

Consulting, concept development and development of a CRM system for a car dealer in the region. Creation of the frontend in Vue.js (CoreUI). Modeling of the database and migration of old data into the new system. Analysis and consulting of specifications and legacy systems.

Technologies used: Unix environment, concept development, Pimcore development, architecture, Shopware, project management, software architecture, PHP 8+, MySQL/SQL, shell scripting, Git DevOps tasks

Team size: 2 developers + 1 PO

Jan. 2021 - März 2023
1 Jahr 3 Monaten
Frankfurt, Germany


Design, Analysis and Software Development Frankfurt

Analysis, concept development, development and testing of a PIM system with Pimcore. Creation of the frontend in Vue.js and planning and coordination with colleagues from other departments for architectural questions. Support with concept development and project management. Analysis and consulting.

Technologies used: Unix environment, concept development, technical responsibility, architecture, Pimcore, coordination, project management, PHP 8+, MySQL/SQL, shell scripting, Git DevOps tasks

Team size: >5 people

Okt. 2021 - Bis heute
3 Jahren 5 Monaten
Stuttgart, Germany


Design, Analysis and Software Development Freising/Stuttgart

Consulting, concept development and development of an import system. Creation in Laravel and Vue.js. Support with concept development, project management and architecture. Analysis and consulting. PHP development of the interface between ePIM (Java) and PHP.

Technologies used: Unix environment, concept development, technical responsibility, Laravel 8, coordination, project management, software architecture, PHP 7+, MySQL/SQL, shell scripting, Git DevOps tasks, Viamedici Epim

Team size: >10 people

Mai 2021 - Aug. 2022
1 Jahr 4 Monaten
Mannheim, Germany


Design, Analysis and Software Development Mannheim

Consulting, concept development and development of a product registration system in the field of certification of natural and organic cosmetics. Creation of the frontend in Vue.js (CoreUI). Creation of the backend in Laravel. Database modeling. Analysis and consulting of specifications and legacy systems.

Technologies used: Unix environment, concept development, Laravel development, Symfony, project management, software architecture, PHP 7+, MySQL/SQL, shell scripting, Git DevOps tasks, Vue.js, Javascript, Gitlab

Team size: >6 people

Okt. 2020 - Okt. 2021
1 Jahr 1 Monate
Stuttgart, Germany


Design, Analysis and Software Development Freising/Stuttgart

Consulting and support for an industrial group in the area of website relaunch. Coordination and alignment with specialist departments as well as programming of interfaces between Typo3, CRM and VIA EPIM. Support with concept development and project management as well as architecture questions. Analysis and consulting.

Technologies used: Viamedici ePIM (Java), Salesforce, Unix environment, concept development, technical responsibility, Typo3, coordination, project management, Laravel 8, BaseX, PHP 7+, MySQL/SQL, shell scripting, Git DevOps tasks

Team size: >10 people

Mai 2020 - Mai 2022
2 Jahren 1 Monate
Stuttgart, Germany

Software Architect

Design and Development E-Commerce Stuttgart

Software architecture and development of an e-commerce system. Refactoring of a portal based on PHP. Creation of a refactored system in Laravel. Support and consulting and concept development for development and further development.

Technologies used: Zend, Unix environment, concept development, technical responsibility, deployment with pipes, coordination, project management, Laravel 8, vue.js

Team size: 4 people

Jan. 2020 - Jan. 2021
1 Jahr 1 Monate
Stuttgart, Germany

Software Developer

Design and Development Stuttgart

Refactoring of a social media portal based on Zend 2. Transfer and further development in Laminas. Support and consulting and concept development for development and further development.

Technologies used: Zend 2, Laminas, Unix environment, concept development, technical responsibility, deployment with pipes, coordination, project management

Team size: 10 people

Okt. 2019 - Okt. 2020
1 Jahr 1 Monate
Stuttgart, Germany

Technical Lead

Consulting and Technical Management for Website Relaunch Freising/Stuttgart

Consulting and support for an industrial group in the area of website relaunch. Coordination and alignment with specialist departments and implementation partners. Support with organizational issues and code reviews. Analysis and consulting and architecture decisions. Expertise in coordinating PHP-ePIM (Java) and preparation of the interface.

Technologies used: Via ePIM (Java), Salesforce, Unix environment, concept development, technical responsibility, Typo3, coordination, project management, Laravel 5

Team size: >10 people

Sept. 2019 - Feb. 2020
6 Monaten
Stuttgart, Germany


Consulting and Development PHP/NodeJS Stuttgart

Consulting and moderation of the development team and web development. Consulting in the development of modules and debugging of existing software in the automotive sector. Module development for the client's framework. Support with organizational issues and co-development with NodeJS and React.

Technologies used: PHP7.3, PHP5.6, PHPUnit, XML, HTML, CSS, MySQL, Windows environment, concept development, technical responsibility

Team size: 6 people

Juni 2019 - Okt. 2020
1 Jahr 5 Monaten
Stuttgart, Germany

Web Developer

Web Development Interfaces/Typo3 Stuttgart

Consulting and development of a data management tool. Consulting in the development of interfaces between CRM data and Typo3. Extension development for Typo3. Support with organizational issues.

Technologies used: PHP7.3, PHPUnit, XML, HTML, CSS, MySQL, Unix environment, concept development, technical responsibility, Typo3, Laravel, Vue.js, extension development

Team size: 5 people

Juni 2019 - Dez. 2020
7 Monaten
Stuttgart, Germany

Web Developer

Web Development Shop Development Stuttgart

Consulting and development of various tools for Shopware. Consulting in the development of interfaces and importers for the Shopware Enterprise system of a client. Module development under Shopware. Support with organizational issues.

Technologies used: PHP7.3, PHPUnit, XML, HTML, CSS, MySQL, Unix environment, concept development, technical responsibility, Shopware, PIM System Akeneo

Team size: 5 people

Nov. 2018 - Feb. 2019
4 Monaten
Pforzheim, Germany


Interface Development Pforzheim

Consulting and development of an interface for an industrial group. Consulting in the development of an interface for the EPIM system. Reading XML export of the EPIM system and converting to JSON format. Consideration of data adaptation logics, UTF-8 characters, conversions, etc. Handling of large amounts of data (several gigabytes) as XML and processing with memory usage less than 1 GB. Unit and integration testing. Conception of the interface and the overall solution for a group.

Technologies used: PHP7.2, PHPUnit, XML, XSLT, HTML, CSS, MySQL, Windows environment, concept development, technical responsibility, Symfony Framework, Viamedici ePIM

Team size: 10 people

Aug. 2018 - Nov. 2018
4 Monaten
Pforzheim, Germany


Insurance Pforzheim

Consulting and software development for insurance software. Consulting, software development and concept development for an insurance tool written in Zend Framework 2. Concept development and software development of interfaces and optimization of data processes. Collaboration in Scrum environment.

Technologies used: PHP7.2, XML, HTML, CSS, MySQL, PHPUnit, Windows environment, concept development, technical responsibility, Zend Framework 2

Team size: 8 people

Nov. 2017 - Juli 2018
9 Monaten
Stuttgart, Germany


Private Company in Healthcare Sector

Consulting and software development of a health consulting tool. Consulting, software development and concept development for a health consulting tool with Laravel 5, jQuery, CSS. Concept development of the solution as well as installation and server support under Linux (Ubuntu 14 later 16).

Technologies used: PHP7, XML, HTML, CSS, MySQL, Laravel, concept development, Vue.js, technical responsibility

Team size: 3 people

März 2017 - Aug. 2018
1 Jahr 6 Monaten
Stuttgart, Germany


Industry/Enterprise E-Commerce Stuttgart

Consulting and software development in the area of online catalog and e-commerce. Consulting, concept development and software development for several B2B shop systems, with Intellishop Enterprise System and ePim System from Viamedici. Concept development and software development of interfaces between SAP and PHP. Use of SAPRFC protocols and mapping in PHP through suitable C++ extension (PHPSAPRFC). Management of an international software developer team. Consulting and collaboration with international partners of the client. Adaptation and support of Magento shop systems.

Technologies used: PHP5 and 7, XML, HTML, CSS, PHPUnit, Viamedici ePim System, Intellishop, Magento, MySQL, concept development, technical responsibility, Viamedici ePIM

Team size: 8 people

Jan. 2016 - Nov. 2017
11 Monaten
Stuttgart, Germany



Consulting and software development and coaching

Coaching in the areas of PHP, MySQL, frameworks such as Symfony 2 and Symfony 3, Typo3 for a developer team of 20 young colleagues in frontend and backend development. Consulting for the production and development of tools and high-performance websites for industry. Training in the areas of web services, database and PHP design patterns as well as Javascript and JS frameworks for the development team. Support in operations for general IT tasks.

Technologies used: PHP5 and 7, XML, HTML, CSS, Javascript (jQuery, Prototype, etc), PHPUnit, Symfony 2 & 3, Typo3 (from 7 to 10), Docker landscape

Team size: 14 people

März 2015 - Jan. 2017
1 Jahr 11 Monaten
Stuttgart, Germany


Industry (International)

Consulting and software development front and backend

Concept development, refactoring and further development of a tool for evaluating screw connection data in the automotive industry (QA). Consulting for the development of an own framework in PHP OOP and using design patterns. Consulting and further development of various tools for data acquisition and management for several customers and different versions. Consulting and development of web services, REST and RPC for the management tool. Consulting for quality assurance of the application (use of CI and CD and other development concepts) in the area of "Quality Data Management and Error Proofing Solutions" for industrial assembly processes.

Technologies used: PHP5, XML, HTML, CSS, Javascript (jQuery, Prototype), PHPUnit, Oracle Enterprise, Symfony 3, Web Architect, SOAP, REST

Team size: 20 people

Juni 2012 - Dez. 2015
2 Jahren 7 Monaten
Munich, Germany

Software Developer

Trading Company

Analysis and software development backend/frontend

Concept development and realization of the web frontend for the worldwide internet presence. Support for several applications in the company including intranet, extranet, SOAP/services backend systems among others with the Powerslave ECMS system. Application development and concept development according to ITIL principles. Collaboration in web architecture and data structure of the application.

Technologies used: PHP5, XML, HTML, CSS, Javascript (jQuery), Shell Script (bash), PHPUnit, Powerslave

Team size: 20 people

Jan. 2011 - Apr. 2012
4 Monaten
Augsburg, Germany

Software Developer

Trading Company

Software development frontend

Support in development with PHP5 for an eCommerce application (10 shops). Load tests, unit tests, regression tests for high-performance environment. Work in team with Scrum (3 week sprints) as well as concept development together with middleware and backend systems such as SAP, etc.

Technologies used: PHP5, XML, HTML, CSS, Javascript (jQuery), Shell Script (bash), PERL, PHPUnit, Unix System Debian

Team size: 30 people

Okt. 2010 - Apr. 2012
1 Jahr 7 Monaten
Münster, Germany


Trading Company

Consulting, analysis and web development

Development, consulting, programming and training for the introduction and integration of a CRM system for the company and its numerous systems. Concept development, consulting and programming in the areas of backend, administration, web services and database programming. Concept development and consulting for the introduction of an SOA architecture in the company.

Technologies used: PHP5, XML, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Javascript, CVS, process modeling using BizAgi, UML, Symfony Framework, Vtiger, PostgreSQL, MySQL, ShellScript (Bash), PHPUnit, Unix System Debian

Team size: 8 people

Jan. 2009 - Mai 2010
5 Monaten
Heidelberg, Germany


Software Company

Consulting and development web development

Modeling and software development in the field of linguistics. Creation of specification and requirements description. Programming of the linguistic process. Programming of high-performance systems. Consulting in the concept development and realization of the solution. Testing suites such as Selenium and PHPUnit.

Technologies used: PHP5.3, XML, XSLT, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Javascript, CVS, process modeling using BizAgi, UML, Zend server and Zend Framework, Memcached, Unix System Debian

Team size: 6 people

Aug. 2009 - Jan. 2010
6 Monaten
Nuremberg, Germany

Senior Developer Web Technologies

Federal Authority

Connection of the customer reaction management tool via web services for querying personal data. Application development and concept development according to ITIL principles. Creation of a WS client in PHP and implementation of security requirements for requests to the central register system.

Technologies used: PHP4, XML, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Javascript, VbScript, C#, IIS 6, MSSQL, Reporting Services, CVS, Visual Studio, IDL/CORBA, NuSOAP, Weblogic, Visual Basic, Shell Script, WCF, Windows systems, architecture and DevOps questions

Team size: 4 people

Feb. 2009 - Juni 2009
5 Monaten
Nuremberg, Germany

Senior Developer Web Technologies

Federal Authority

Implementation of requirements in the area of customer reaction management (recording and evaluation of data using Reporting Services) with PHP and C# in Windows environment and in web environment. Creation of reports using Reporting Services with the report manager. Application development and concept development according to ITIL principles. Reports were parsed using C# and output parameterized (SQL). Dynamic generation of reports depending on context (controlled via software). Organization and participation in structured development process.

Technologies used: PHP4, XML, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Java Javascript, VbScript, C#, IIS 6, WCF, MSSQL, Reporting Services, CVS, Visual Studio, IDL/CORBA, NuSOAP, Weblogic, Windows systems, architecture and DevOps questions

Team size: 4 people

Juli 2008 - Okt. 2008
4 Monaten
Landsberg am Lech, Germany

Software Engineer

Trading Company

Relaunch and refactoring of the pages. Integration of a product management system for the e-shop (Magento). Consulting on software integration issues and SEO. Consulting in the creation of the data model and class formation (UML).

Technologies used: PHP5, XML, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax/JSON, jQuery, Apache, MySQL, Shell Script, SVN, EzComponents, Magento, Linux System Ubuntu

Team size: 5 people

Feb. 2008 - Juni 2008
5 Monaten
Stuttgart, Germany

Software Engineer


Further development, support and new development of modules for the Neckermann system Netherlands and Belgium. Implementation of SEO measures through comprehensive redesign of the site. Implementation and planning of session management and collaboration on JavaScript and CSS centralization. Execution of projects in consultation with the client and according to release cycles, and effort estimates.

Technologies used: PHP4, XML, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax/JSON, NuSOAP, Apache, MySQL, Shell Script, SVN, PHPUnit, Linux systems

Team size: 10 people

März 2007 - Okt. 2007
8 Monaten
Stuttgart, Germany

Software Engineer


Further development, support and new development of modules for the Neckermann system Netherlands and Belgium. Development of the shopping cart with integration of web services and order processing system. Development of new features for the system as well as collaboration in planning and 2nd level support.

Technologies used: PHP4, XML, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax/JSON, NuSOAP, Apache, MySQL, Shell Script, SVN, PHPUnit

Team size: 10 people

Dez. 2006 - März 2007
4 Monaten
Stuttgart, Germany

Software Engineer

Software Company

Concept development and development of an affiliate system. Setup with Zend Framework, Mootools and YAML. Database design, normalization, table relations. Unit testing using PHPUnit.

Technologies used: PHP5, Java, XML, HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript/Ajax/JSON, SOAP Server & Client, Zend Framework, YAML, Mootools, Apache, MySQL, SVN, Linux systems, XSL

Team size: 2 people

Aug. 2006 - Dez. 2006
5 Monaten
Stuttgart, Germany

Web Developer


Development of Typo3 extensions. Database design and analysis of requirements with subsequent implementation. Effort estimation and project management.

Technologies used: PHP, Typo3, XML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, Apache, SVN, Linux systems

Team size: 2 people

Juli 2005 - Aug. 2006
1 Jahr 2 Monaten
Stuttgart, Germany

Web Developer

Software Company

Further development and maintenance of portals in PHP4 and PHP5 OOP programming both back-end and frontend. Development of PERL modules for data import.

Technologies used: PHP, Java, PERL, XML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, Apache, SVN, Linux Debian and HP-UX systems

Team size: 5 people

Apr. 2002 - Apr. 2005
3 Jahren 1 Monate
Hamburg, Germany

Network Administrator/Programmer

Bernhard-Nocht-Institut für Tropenmedizin

Installation and maintenance of a heterogeneous LAN based on Unix and Windows Server. Network planning, fail-safety, backup and disaster recovery concepts. Collaboration on concept development and programming of the database application for travel medical advice. Programming of shell scripts and administration tools using PHP and PERL. Co-administration of the Active Directory of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. Coordination and organization of the call center and events of the Travel Medicine Center.

Technologies used: PHP, XML and XSL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, Omnis, DB2, Apache, Linux and Windows systems

Team size: 2 people

Apr. 2001 - Dez. 2003
1 Jahr 9 Monaten
Berlin, Germany

Network Administrator

Econa AG

Administration and installation of distributed systems Windows and Unix. Administration and further development of the firewall architecture. Network planning, backup and disaster recovery concept. Installation and maintenance of the Exchange 5.5 architecture.


...und 1 Weitere


Okt. 1997 - Juni 2001

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Musikwissenschaften/Informatik · Berlin, Germany

Zertifikate & Bescheinigungen

Pimcore Junior Zertifiziert