Conceptualized and implemented a test environment for automated system and integration tests in C and Python.
Created software specification and adapted existing embedded C/C++ software to new hardware (STM32G4 family) and documentation. Adapted existing CANopen interface to CANopen FD.
Developed extended mail merge functionality for MS Outlook
Refactoring and extension of some modules of the VBA macro collection for MS Office to create business documents.
Supported the development team in product maintenance and implementation of new functionality.
Supported the development team with product adjustments and consulting (architecture, implementation concept) for integration of new hardware.
Product maintenance, consulting/support for automation and structuring of tests.
Implemented a CAN flash loader for the control unit of an e-bike
Supported/advised the test team in creating and executing subsystem tests.
Developed self-test for an embedded system and its interfaces as well as PC software for visualizing test results.
Embedded system:
Consulting for the development of battery management system software.
Planning and implementation of home automation for a single-family house.
Supported the development team in processing customer requirements in close cooperation with their client.
Created VBA macros for organizing project processes and employee planning.
Created VBA macros to simplify invoice creation.
Supported the development team in implementing new features for an administration software for sports and leisure facilities in C++.
Created a C# application to communicate with various home automation components via Z-Wave.
Macro collection for MS Outlook (VBA) for cleaning up the mailbox and securely viewing emails of unknown origin.
Developed an OPC client with VBA to store process data transmitted by the OPC server and a viewer to visualize data in Excel files.
Macro collection for MS Office to create business documents.
07/14 - 09/14: Further development: Uniform interface, integration of Outlook contacts, extension of existing modules and templates, creation of additional modules and templates.
02/13 - 04/13: Implementation of basic functionality
Mobile application for evaluating a boule game (distance measurement between game balls)
Software development according to IEC 61131-3 (ST, FBD) and creation/extension of VBA macros (MS Office) to automate the development process.
Software development according to IEC 61131-3 (ST, FBD); Optimization of existing VBA macros (MS Office).
Software development for a test module in telecommunications in C and assembler.
Seminars on topics:
Software development process
Software testing and debugging
Programming techniques for robust and self-documenting code
Needs assessment
Creation of seminar materials with MS Powerpoint
Conducting seminars
Software development for the control unit of a photovoltaic system in C and C++.
Macros for MS Office for managing and processing member data of a leisure club
Software development according to IEC 61131-3 (ST, SFC, IL) for automated carriers and welding systems.
09/10 - 01/11: Welding head for gas-shielded welding 09/10 - 10/10: Trade fair demo device 12/09 - 09/10: Automated carrier for surfacing 02/10 - 08/10: Additional functionality for automated carrier for SAW and MAG welding 12/08 - 12/09: Automated carrier for SAW and MAG welding 06/09 - 08/09: Small torch stand with 2 motors and turntable for TIG welding 10/08 - 03/09: System for welding pipes 04/06 - 05/06: Welding portal 01/06 - 03/06: Rotary tilting table for welding systems
Software development for a mobile digital audio device in C and assembler.
Implementation of various software modules for embedded systems based on 8051 in C
09/04 - 02/06: Implementation of wireless protocol for a game console 05/04 - 09/04: Development of operating software for a Bluetooth GPS module
Development of software concept for the control unit of a CHP plant and implementation in C and UML.
Development of embedded software in C for Tetra base stations.
Additional activities:
Implementation of Tetra channel coding Layer 1 for verification of externally manufactured hardware.
Own development: Replica of the Berlin Clock based on a 16C54A, programmed in assembler.
Requirements: Display time (minutes with 4+11 LEDs, hours with 4+4 LEDs, 2-second cycle), set time, generate second cycle or derive from mains frequency
Own development: New implementation of diploma thesis ("Development and programming of a network-independent microcontroller system for capturing the position of transport containers via GPS and for GSM-supported communication with a central computer.") based on a current microcontroller in C and development of a Windows application in C for communication with the device.
Development of embedded software in C and assembler for the control unit of an automated manual transmission
Focus: Development tools for DECT
Focus: PCB test systems