Felix Schmidt

Senior Software Engineer iOS & Frontend

Felix Schmidt
Sisikon, Switzerland


Aug 2024 - Present
7 months
Cologne, Germany

UX/UI Designer

DEVK Versicherungen

Design of a new web application interface in the central sales software for all sales agencies of the insurance company. Management of the team regarding the translation of business requirements, technical feasibility up to the UX prototype. Interactive prototype for desktop in Figma. Usability evaluation on the target group with 20 participants. Evaluation of the data and iterative improvement of the prototype. Creation of a development basis for programmatic implementation. UI design for HTML/CSS and JavaScript specifics.

Apr 2024 - Dec 2024
9 months

Senior iOS Developer

Commerzbank AG

The comdirect app for iOS offers an intuitive and user-friendly mobile banking app, that allows users to manage their banking efficiently and securely. With central features as bank transfers, portfolio analysis, and a personalized financial manager, the app facilitates daily banking and financial planning. Users: > 1 million

Written in native Swift using UIKit and SwiftUI framework. App-wide MVVM and Coordinator design pattern. Partial reactive programming using Apples Combine framework or vendor RxSwift. API integrations and data structures with JSON. Documented Clean Code. Continuous integration with Git and Jenkins. Unit Tests high coverage with XCTest. Agile project setup according to Scrum.

Team size: 25 (5 iOS, 5 Android, 2 Design, 8 Tester, 4 Backend, 1 PO)

Oct 2023 - Dec 2025
1 year 3 months

Senior iOS Developer

Commerzbank AG

The comdirect photoTAN app for iOS enables quick and secure authentication of transactions through an innovative photoTAN process. Users can scan TANs using the camera of their iOS device, which are necessary for transfers and other banking operations. Users: > 1 million

Written in native Swift. Technical migration from UIKit to SwiftUI. App-wide MVVM and Coordinator design pattern. Declarative/reactive programming using Apples Combine framework. API integrations and data structures with JSON. Documented Clean Code. Continuous integration with Git and Jenkins. Unit Tests high coverage with XCTest. Agile project setup according to Scrum.

Team size: 15 (4 iOS, 4 Android, 1 Design, 4 Tester, 1 PO, 1 SM)

Apr 2023 - Oct 2023
7 months

Senior Frontend Developer


The KulturPass served as a digital marketplace for cultural offerings in Germany, specifically targeting young adults by providing them with a budget to access various cultural activities. It allowed users to reserve tickets for concerts and other cultural local products. Users: > 1 million

Written in native Typescript using Angular framework. Reactive programming using with RxJS. Open Source on GitHub. High UI Tests coverage with Cypress. Using Git with GitHub CI as an Open Source project. Agile project setup according to KANBAN.

Team size: 22 (6 Angular, 3 Backend, 2 Design, 8 Tester, 1 Arch, 1 PO, 1 SM)

May 2022 - May 2023
1 year 1 month

Senior iOS Developer


The Corona-Warn-App is an open source eHealth app that helps trace infection chains of SARS-CoV-2 (which can cause COVID-19) in Germany. The app is based on technologies with a decentralized approach and notifies users if they have been exposed to SARS-CoV-2. Users: > 10 million

Written in native Swift using UIKit framework. App-wide MVVM and Coordinator design pattern. Partial reactive programming using Apples Combine framework, Exposure Notification API. Provide vaccination certificates. Absolutely Clean Code documentation and clarity for high maintainability and extensibility. High test Unit Tests and UI Tests coverage with XCTest. Using Git with GitHub CI as an Open Source project. Agile project setup according to KANBAN.

Team size: 27 (4 iOS, 4 Android, 3 Backend, 2 Design, 8 Tester, 2 Arch, 1 Sec, 1 PO, 2 PL)

Jan 2021 - Apr 2022
4 months

Senior iOS Developer

DAK-Gesundheit Krankenversicherung

The DAP-App is the new app solution of all-round digital processes for the customers of the healthcare insurance. Integration of the Health Bonus Program "AktivBonus". Completely barrier-free with Multi User and Multi Device support. Users: 0.8 million

Written in native Swift using SwiftUI and UIKit framework. App-wide MVVM and Coordinator design pattern. Mostly end-to-end programming using RxSwift and Combine reactive framework. Very high testing using Unit Tests and UI Tests. Code coverage requirement 90%. Using Git, Azure CI. Agile project setup according to SCRUM.

Team size: 21 (6 iOS, 6 Android, 4 Backend, 1 Design, 1 SM, 1 PO, 1 PV)

Feb 2020 - Dec 2021
1 year 11 months

Senior iOS Developer

IBM Deutschland GmbH / Techniker Krankenkasse (TK)

iOS module TK-Safe contains the Electronic Health Record (dt. ePA) that serves as a digital health record for patients in Germany. It allows to securely store and manage their medical data, including doctor’s visits, prescriptions or diagnoses. Users and healthcare providers have quick access to medical informations. Users: 2+ million

Native Swift using UIKit framework. App-wide MVVM and Coordinator design pattern. Async chaining with PromiseKit framework. Scanbot SDK integrated. Dynamic Typing and Voice Over support for accessibility, i18n ready. Documented Clean Code. Version control with Git. 95+% Unit Tests and UI Tests coverage with XCTest. Agile project setup according to Scrum.

Lang & Team 🇬🇧 27 (10 iOS, 10 Android, 4 Design, 2 Scrum Master, 2 TO, 1 PO, 1 PL)

Sep 2019 - Dec 2020
4 months

Senior Frontend Developer, UX / UI Designer

DB Cargo AG

Digital Diagnostics Wagons Web UX

Development of a web application to digitalize the damage diagnostics of goods wagons. The frontend was implemented with Angular 8 via Typescript, combined with a Redux/NGRX based state and store machine. The design approach was a combination between Corporate Design and Angular Material. We had a weekly design refinement, where my in Sketch designed UX and UI proposals could be discussed. I introduced Zeplin collaboration tool between design and development.

Oct 2018 - Aug 2019
11 months

Senior iOS Developer

T-Systems International GmbH

Mobile, Identity and Access iOS Web

Introducing a new IoT solution for car sharing and access. The native iOS app was written in Swift using MVVM pattern for comfortable unit testing with XCTest and ReactiveCocoa for a highly reactiveness. The app could share the car location via GPS. Authorised persons were able to get access to released vehicles, by a push notification and bluetooth based virtual key exchange from Valeo SDK. The web control center was written in Angular with Typescript. The distributed team worked in an agile project setup according to SCRUM. I built also a convenient CI/CD with Gitlab, fastlane and Testflight, but also advised for iOS specific usability approaches.

May 2018 - Sep 2018
5 months

Senior iOS Developer

metafinanz Informationssysteme GmbH

Pillenfee iOS Web

About Development of an iOS app for medication plans between patients, doctors, and pharmacies as a new eHealth solution. The native and in Swift programmed app was highly reactive by using RxSwift. The product based on blockchain technique. For the collaboration between iOS and RESTful backend we used OpenAPI from Swagger with Git Submodules. To have clean code every change required a merge request on Gitlab, that we also used for a fastlane based CI. With Testflight we shared prototypes with the stakeholders for a Design Thinking approach and worked in 2-3-weekly SCRUM sprints.

Project Lang + Team 🇬🇧 7 | 2 iOS, 1 Web, 1 Design, 1 Blockchain, 1 Scrum Master, 1 PO

Role / Highlights iOS Developer Swift, UIKit, RxSwift, Ethereum Blockchain, Angular, Typescript, RESTful API, Git, Gitlab, fastlane, SCRUM, eHealth, Healthcare

May 2016 - Apr 2018
2 years

iOS Developer

Allianz Private Krankenversicherung AG

Allianz Gesundheits-App iOS

Development of the new iOS app for the privately healthcare insured persons. The native app was built from scratch and written in Swift, first by apply MVP pattern and later refactored to MVVM. We worked in a pair programming and TDD approach. To that we used XCTest to write Unit Tests and UI Tests. Almost all features were programmed reactive by using RxSwift. We introduced smart document scanning with automatic edge detection by using OpenCV framework, but also video authentication and worked in two-weekly SCRUM sprints. With our RESTful backend we developed also telemedicine features, like sharing photos of injuries to a remote doctor system.

Project Lang + Team 🇩🇪 🇬🇧 12 | 4 iOS, 2 Android, 2 Backend, 1 Design, 1 Infra, 1 Scrum M., 1 PO

Role / Highlights iOS Developer Swift, RxSwift, Push Notifications, RESTful API, OpenCV, Convenient Document Scanning, Video Authentication, Git, Pair Programming, SCRUM, Telemedicine, eHealth, Healthcare

May 2015 - Jun 2016
1 year 2 months

Frontend Developer

Allianz Private Krankenversicherung AG

Allianz Kranken Makler System Web

Support in maintaining of a sales and advisory web application for the private healthcare insurance.

The app was written in Javascript by using AngularJS as main framework and we developed new features, like the new Beratungsprotokoll, digital signing, PDF export etc. in a SCRUM project setup. The backend we developed on, was written in Java.

Role / Highlights Frontend Developer AngularJS, Javascript, Java, Git

Aug 2014 - Apr 2015
9 months

Frontend Developer

Allianz Private Krankenversicherung AG

Allianz Kranken Tarifwechselberater Web

Development of a new web app for the Meine Allianz portal, where the users will be able to change their preferences regarding their own healthcare insurance products. In weekly sprints we developed the app from scratch, based on AngularJS and Javascript and using tools like Grunt.js, Bower, and Node.js.

Role / Highlights Frontend Developer AngularJS, Javascript, RESTful API, Git, SCRUM


Felix Schmidt is a Senior Software Engineer specialising in mobile development for iOS and web frontends. He specialises in long-term and complex app projects, preferably in the insurance, healthcare and financial sectors. The software projects he has worked on have been successfully launched and serve over 10 million users worldwide. With a degree in Business Computer Science and 15 years of experience, he is characterised by working with clients such as SAP, Allianz or Commerzbank.




Oct 2012 - Jun 2016

FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management

Business Computer Science · Business Computer Science · Germany · 1.7

Specialiced in Web Engineering

Recipient of a German Scholarshop “Aufstiegsstipendium” (Advancement scholarship)

Certifications & licenses

Specialised Computer Scientist System Integration