Bastian Bührig

Software Developer

Bastian Bührig
Hannover, Germany


Feb 2023 - Present
2 years 1 month

Software Developer


Development of a solution as own startup for simple and fast pre-production deployments for quality assurance before going live. After developing new features or implementing changes, it is crucial to get feedback from various stakeholders, including team members, customers or end users. Preview Deployments provide an overview of the current state of the product. This way, everyone involved can contribute early in the development process to ensure all changes bring the desired value.

Technical buzzwords: Go, Docker, Hetzner Cloud, Github Actions, Pocketbase

Jul 2022 - Jan 2025
2 years 7 months

Fullstack Developer

Support as Fullstack-Developer in the development of standard software for energy service providers. The subsidiary of an energy company is developing a new base system from scratch, which will also be used by other service providers and replace their previous software solutions (e.g. Powercloud or SAP). Deployed in the development of customer modules for data capture and search and creation of PDFs, such as invoices or price sheets.

Technical buzzwords: Go, Angular, Node.js, TypeScript, Java, Docker, PostgreSQL, Jasper Report Studio, Github, AWS

Mar 2022 - Jun 2022
4 months

Software Developer

Support during the going-live of the application. Collaboration on the module for managing environmental and quality certificates of suppliers. The focus here is on maintaining current supplier certificates and providing all necessary information for the customer to track supplier quality standards.

Technical buzzwords: Go, GraphQL, Graph-Database, React, Typescript, Docker, Gitlab, AWS, OCR

Jun 2021 - Jan 2022
8 months

Software Developer

Support in the further development of a web application for billing and evaluation of patient bills for doctors and clinics. The focus was on implementing interfaces (REST-API, HL7, CSV or scan imports) for the delivery of customer files by customers.

Technical buzzwords: Node.js, TypeScript, React, Bash, REST, AWS, Keycloak

Aug 2020 - Dec 2022
2 years 5 months

Technical Lead

Technical support of an online shop for camping accessories. In addition to maintaining the shop, an automated import function was implemented that transfers article data from a wholesaler into the shop system and keeps it up to date. This is done via the given REST API of the shop and the dealer.

Technical buzzwords: WooCommerce, Go, REST

Jul 2020 - Jan 2022
1 year 7 months

Software Developer


Development of a solution for guest registration in restaurants and venues. Through a very simple digital recording of visitor data by scanning a QR code using a smartphone, tracking of reported guests including their notification in case of a Corona case is possible.

The solution has since been published as an open-source project: [link]

Technical buzzwords: Go, React, TypeScript, Docker, Bash

Jun 2020 - Present
4 years 9 months

Software Developer

Collaboration on the implementation of a new modern sales frontend for the core banking system of various banks. Here, the focus is on operation through the browser and mobile devices. Users of the frontend are bank advisors and end customers. The technical focus was on securities transactions.

Technical buzzwords: Java EE, JavaScript, Google Guice, WebSphere Liberty

Jan 2015 - Present
9 years 2 months
Hanover, Germany

Freelance Software Developer and Consultant

2bconsult GmbH

Long-term experience in software development. Special skills in communication between business customers and IT departments.

Jan 2007 - Oct 2016
9 years 10 months

Team Lead Software Development

i-con GmbH

Permanent position as software developer, consultant and seminar leader. Team leader of software development since 2007.

Jan 2003 - Dec 2004
1 year
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Part-time business foundation for media and web solutions.

Jan 1998 - Dec 2003
4 years

Dual Student


BA studies in Business Informatics BA (Application Development) at the Berufsakademie Weserbergland e.V.


Langjährige Erfahrungen in der Softwareentwicklung. Besondere Fähigkeiten in der Kommunikation zwischen fachlichen Kunden und IT-Abteilungen. 9 Jahren Teamleiter und für die Koordinierung des Softwareentwicklungs-Teams verantwortlich. Betreuung der dualen Studenten während ihres Studiums.




Oct 2001 - Jun 2003

IHK Hannover

Fachinformatiker / Anwendungsentwicklung · Hanover, Germany

Oct 1999 - Jun 2002

Berufsakademie Weserbergland

BA · Wirtschaftsinformatik (BA) · Hamelin, Germany

Gymnasium Burgdorf

Abitur · Burgdorf, Germany

Certifications & licenses


IHK Hannover

Ausbildereignungsprüfung (AEVO)

IHK Hannover